'use server'; import { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs'; import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'; import { db } from '@/lib/db'; import { createSafeAction } from '@/lib/create-safe-action'; import { InputType, ReturnType } from './types'; import { CreateBoard } from './schema'; import { createAuditLog } from '@/lib/create-audit-log'; import { ACTION, ENTITY_TYPE } from '@prisma/client'; import { incrementAvailableCount, hasAvailableCount } from '@/lib/org-limit'; import { checkSubscription } from '@/lib/subscription'; const handler = async (data: InputType): Promise => { const { userId, orgId } = auth(); if (!userId || !orgId) { return { error: 'Unauthorized', }; } const canCreate = await hasAvailableCount(); const isPro = await checkSubscription(); if (!canCreate && !isPro) { return { error: 'You have reached your limit of free boards. Please upgrade to create more.', }; } const { title, image } = data; const [imageId, imageThumbUrl, imageFullUrl, imageLinkHTML, imageUserName] = image.split('|'); if ( !imageId || !imageThumbUrl || !imageFullUrl || !imageUserName || !imageLinkHTML ) { return { error: 'Missing fields. Failed to create board.', }; } let board; try { board = await db.board.create({ data: { title, orgId, imageId, imageThumbUrl, imageFullUrl, imageUserName, imageLinkHTML, }, }); if (!isPro) { await incrementAvailableCount(); } await createAuditLog({ entityTitle: board.title, entityId: board.id, entityType: ENTITY_TYPE.BOARD, action: ACTION.CREATE, }); } catch (error) { return { error: 'Failed to create board', }; } revalidatePath(`/board/${board.id}`); return { data: board }; }; export const createBoard = createSafeAction(CreateBoard, handler);