#!/usr/bin/env sh # if running bash if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # include .bashrc if it exists if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then . "$HOME/.bashrc" fi fi export PATH="/usr/local/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH" # ~vern specifics and more mesg n 2> /dev/null || true # then import the rest source "$HOME/.env" source "$HOME/.config/aliases" export POSIX_PROFILE_SOURCED=true # how about detecting local configs if [ -f "$HOME/.config/localconfig.env" ]; then . "$HOME/.config/localconfig.env" fi # Added by Toolbox App export PATH="$PATH:/home/ajhalili2006/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts" # Import asdf to shell export ASDF_DIR="$HOME/.asdf" . "$HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh" _byobu_sourced=1 . /usr/bin/byobu-launch 2>/dev/null || true