mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 20:33:24 +00:00
Signed-off-by: Andrei Jiroh Halili <ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.xyz>
111 lines
3.5 KiB
111 lines
3.5 KiB
# This is the default configuration for Git
name = Andrei Jiroh Halili
email = ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.xyz
signingkey = 67BFC91B3DA12BE8
gpgSign = true
template = ~/.config/git/commit-message-templates/default
gpgSign = true
forceSignAnnotated = true
signOff = true
# https://groups.google.com/g/binary-transparency/c/f-BI4o8HZW0
fsckobjects = true
fsckobjects = true
fsckObjects = true
# authentication hellscape
[credential "https://github.com"]
helper =
helper = !gh auth git-credential
[credential "https://gist.github.com"]
helper =
helper = !gh auth git-credential
[credential "https://gitlab.com"]
helper =
helper = !glab auth git-credential
[credential "https://mau.dev"]
helper =
helper = !glab auth git-credential
[credential "https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org"]
helper =
helper = !glab auth git-credential
# sendemail stuff (https://go.recaptime.eu.org/sendgmail)
# smtpServer = /home/ajhalili2006/go/bin/sendgmail
# smtpServerOption = -sender=ajhalili2006@gmail.com
# repo init chores
defaultBranch = main
# aliases
[url "git@git.sr.ht:"]
insteadOf = https://git.sh.rt
pushInsteadOf = https://git.sh.rt
# TODO: Set up aliases for ther Git hosts, like in Launchpad.net
# aliases
#change-commits = "!f() { VAR=$1; OLD=$2; NEW=$3; shift 3; git filter-branch --env-filter \"if [[ \\\"$`echo $VAR`\> signoff = "commit --signoff"
ammend = "commit --amend"
#stage = "add"
unstage = "restore --staged"
stats = "status"
sdiff = !git diff && git submodule foreach 'git diff'
spush = push --recurse-submodules=on-demand
supdate = submodule update --remote --merge
skip-ci = push -o ci.skip -o skip-ci
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
signoff-commit = commit --signoff
signoff = signoff-commit
remotes = remote -v
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
# editor = flatpak run re.sonny.Commit
# project-specific configurations
#[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/git-projects/sandbox"]
# path = ~/.config/git/ajhalili2006-experiments.include.gitconfig
#[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/projects/labs.andreijiroh.dev"]
# path = ~/.config/git/ajhalili2006-experiments.include.gitconfig
#[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/git-projects/recaptime.dev/"]
# path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/projects/recaptime.dev/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:/workspaces/recaptime.dev/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:~/projects/recaptime-dev/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:/workspaces/recaptime-dev/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:/var/git/recaptime-dev/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:/workspaces/lorebooks.wiki/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
[includeIf "gitdir/i:/workspaces/lorebooks-wiki/"]
path = ~/.config/git/recaptime-dev.include.gitconfig
#[includeIf "gitdir/i:~projects/"]
# path = ~/.config/git/ajhalili2006.include.gitconfig
[trailer "sign"]
key = "Signed-off-by: "
ifmissing = add
ifexists = doNothing
command = echo \"$(git config user.name) <$(git config user.email)>\"
autoSetupRemote = true
directory = /storage/emulated/0/Documents/git/recaptime-dev/proxyparty