* [**Blog**](https://blog.andreijiroh.eu.org) - Personal musings, all things web dev and Linux and more.
* Subscribe via [Substack](https://ajhalili2006.substack.com/subscribe), Hashnode (by following the blog) or even [Medium](https://ajhalili2006.medium.com/subscribe) to get new posts straight to inbox.
TODO(ajhalili2006): rework on this similarly to https://aphyr.com/about
* **Code forges** for my open-source, sometimes working-in-public personal projects: [](https://mau.dev/ajhalili2006)
* **Fediverse**: [](https://tilde.zone/@ajhalili2006)
* [**Jiroh's Kooky Insane Stuff**](https://kookyinsanestuff.andreijiroh.eu.org) - More unhinged version of my digital garden, based on Nori's Kooky Insane Stuff in Murder Drones.
* [**Gemini version of site**](gemini://gemini.andreijiroh.eu.org) ([view via proxy](https://gp.p.psf.lt/gemini/gemini.andreijiroh.eu.org)) - plaintext edition of website, hosted on [sourcehut pages](https://gp.p.psf.lt/gemini/srht.site)
[^1]: Not an company, as mentioned in my GitHub and GitLab profiles
[^2]: There are many great resources from the autistic community (and also the wider neurodiversity and disability rights community), especially from [Neuroclastic](https://neuroclastic.com/autism-101-resources-from-the-autistic-community/), if you want to be an ally or simply want to help make inclusivity across intersections mainstream.
[^3]: Originally disclosed as [an comment in a r/PH post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1117266/comment/j8dgv95/?context=3), although
it's still a work in progress for me to recover from autistic burnout and to unmask.