* Please [read my boundaries](../user-manual/boundaries.md), as well as [general communication policy](../user-manual/communications.md),
[Do Not Interact list](../user-manual/dni.md) and [on neurodivergence and disability](../user-manual/neurodivergence-and-disability.md) before you scroll down.
NOT following them will result in moderation actions, up to and including reporting as spam and blocks.
* Open source dev/maintainer needing a helping hand for your project? I'm up on [DevSecOps and Infra](../devops.md), [code reviews](../code-reviews.md),
and [community moderation](../community-management.md), although if you're a company, [consider hiring me full-time](./work.md) for maintaining your OSS projects (not open-core or anything under non-OSI approved ones like the BUSL).
* :mailbox: personally via [:e-mail: **ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.eu.org**](mailto:ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.eu.org) or via my
Recap Time Squad staff address at [:e-mail: **ajhalili2006@crew.recaptime.eu.org**](mailto:ajhalili2006@crew.recaptime.eu.org)
* :speech_balloon: over at Matrix at [:simple-matrix: @ajhalili2006 on ~environments](https://matrix.to/#/@ajhalili2006:envs.net)
or on [:simple-zulip: our Zulip chat (or via DMs)](https://recaptime-dev.zulipchat.com/#streams/405458/ajhalili2006)
* :information_source: If you want all the contact details, please see [this page](./details.md). Please don't use this to stalk or even spam me.
Since I don't usually read emails, please reach me out over at Matrix/Zulip first so I can dig over spam folders (contact VK Support or Google for help if you got the bounce mail for spam)