[^1]: Technically `he/him/they/them`, although I mostly prefer `they/them`. See [communications section of my user manual](./user-manual/communications.md)
* [`storj://ajhalili2006-files/archive/things`](https://static.rtdevcdn.net.eu.org/ajhalili2006/things) - usually screenshots and personal snippet hosting stuff
* [Resume](./resume) - links to my CV ([here's for my portfolio](./portfolio.md))
* [Projects](./projects) - information about different projects I currently doing and in the past
* [`gcdn.vern.cc:~ajhalili2006/pkgs`](https://gcdn.vern.cc/users/ajhalili2006/pkgs)[^2] - personal Linux package repositories, usually as redirect targets from
See also [his start.page][startpage-buffer] for all the socials where I'm active and contact details. The footer contains links to most used social accounts.