# Custom `mkdocs-material` CI image Builds on Alpine edge, mostly used by @ajhalili2006 to deploy builds over GitLab CI. ## CI Status | Webhook Event | Badge | Frequency | | --- | --- | --- | | After push | [![Docker CI](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/website/actions/workflows/docker.yml/badge.svg?event=push)](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/website/actions/workflows/docker.yml) | As commits are mirrored to GitHub, either manually or asynchorously run in GitLab CI | | Nightly Builds | [![Docker CI](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/website/actions/workflows/docker.yml/badge.svg?event=schedule)](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/website/actions/workflows/docker.yml) | Runs every 22:30 UTC (6:30 PHT) ## Usage See the tags list on [GitHub][ghcr] or [Red Hat Quay Container Registry Cloud][quay] [ghcr]: https://github.com/ajhalili2006/website/pkgs/container/website%2Fbuild-ci/versions [quay]: https://quay.io/repository/ajhalili2006/mkdocs-material-build-ci?tab=tags ```yaml # in GitLab CI config... image: name: quay.io/ajhalili2006/mkdocs-material-build-ci:latest ``` ```dockerfile # ...or via your custom Docker image FROM ghcr.io/ajhalili2006/website/build-ci:latest ``` ## Build from source Run the `build.sh` script to generate a local build of the image. To overridethe default image tag, set `IMAGE_TAG` shell variable before running. If used as part of your CI, add any value to `DEPLOY` variable to run `docker push` for you.