# tildeverse.andreijiroh.dev + Gemini-ified blog posts This is my personal website in the tildeverse, built with Material Design for Mkdocs and also the official home formy blog posts in Gemini format. Site content (exluding external content) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. ## Development 1. `git clone https://mau.dev/ajhalili2006/tildeverse-web` or `git clone git@git.sr.ht:~ajhalili2006/tildeverse-web` 2. `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` 3. `mkdocs serve`, `firefox http://localhost:8000` and `nano markdown/.md` 4. `git commit --signoff` and `git send-email ...` ## Contributing Patches are always welcome, although you must sign-off your commits to comply with the Linux DCO. Please be reminded that while this is a personal open-source project, please expect long waiting times during pathc reviews and don't be disappointed when I disagree on stuff and chose not to merge the patches for any reasons, including mental health breaks.