# ~ajhalili2006's personal user manual

=> https://andreijiroh.eu.org/user-manual Clearnet version
=> https://coda.io/@ajhalili2006/readme/personal-user-manual-8 View in Coda

Hello there, and welcome to my personal user manual. This is where I document
about myself for others in terms of communications and teamwork. While the
contents of this mini wiki will be always a work in progress, I’ll expand
them as I add missing information and update outdated details behind
the scenes.

## About me

I'm Andrei Jiroh, a Filipino 16-year-old junior high school student at day and Node.js and Deno backend developer at Recap Time Squad (https://recaptime.eu.org) (technically not a legally-recognized company (see footnote 1) yet where I host most of my projects) and Linux + family IT sysadmin, resident Bash script kiddie on personal projects at home. I'm also happens to be a middle child while being neurodivergent, specifically I'm [#ActuallyAutistic](https://autism-advocacy.fandom.com/wiki/ActuallyAutistic) (see footnote 2).

## Footnotes

1. Or a legal entity for holding funds, any legal assets (including copyright and trademark) and signing in contracts.
My planned setup would be start as a small business in Philippines, securing things like

2. There are many great resources from the autistic community (and also the
wider neurodiversity and disability rights community), especially from Neuroclastic
if you want to be an ally or simply want to help make inclusivity across
intersections mainstream.


Made with love by Andrei Jiroh Halili (@ajhalili2006)
=> https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Copyright 2023. Some rights reserved under CC BY-SA 4.0.

=> https://mau.dev/ajhalili2006/tildeverse-web/-/blob/main/gmi View sources on GitLab