# Well hello there! ![GitHub readme banner](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/ajhalili2006/raw/83d1552339fec8d91eadcab0289d43b6a9ef775c/static/readme-banner-2022.png) I am **Andrei Jiroh Halili** (he/they), an Autistic[^1] Filipino currently full-time student at day, open-sourcerer at [Recap Time Squad][rtdev] doing backend development in TypeScript across both Node.js and Deno runtimes and BDFL in most of its projects, a [Hack Clubber] (joined on July 2024 during [Arcade][hc-arcade] and maintainer of [leeksbot] (companion Slack app for leeks channel), future alumni 2025) and Alpine Linux packager (currently maintaining [GitHub CLI] [in the aports]) at night. ## Quick Links _(see also [my links-in-bio page](./links.md) for all the links in one place)_ * [Contact page](./contact/index.md) - have burning questions and need to contact me? look there first on where to and how do you drop off your emails or grab my contact details * [Personal digital garden](https://wiki.andreijiroh.dev) - see my public notes about well anything in one place ## More about myself * While my early autism diagnosis helped me through speech therapy, I am still between masking/suffering in silence while being neurodivergent in real life. ## Tools I use and my setup * **Laptop**: HP Notebook N0K71EA#A2N with 4 x Intel Core i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz, 8 GB of RAM and 1TB HDD, currently daily-driving NixOS unstable * **Phone**: Infinix X6528B[^3] with Android 13, 8 GB of RAM, 248 GB of internal storage (256 GB total if adding 8 GB reserved as virtual RAM). * **Programming Languages**: [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) + [Deno](https://deno.land), Bash * **Editors**: nano, [VS Code](https://vscode.dev) (switching between stable and Insiders), [Zed](https://go.andreijiroh.xyz/zed-editor) * **Cloud development environments as service**: [GitHub Codespaces](https://github.com/features/codespaces), [Gitpod](https://www.gitpod.io) * **Code forges**: [GitHub], [GitLab SaaS][saas] and [~tulir's instance][mau.dev][^2], [sourcehut], [codeberg] * **CI/CD**: [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/features/actions) * **Secrets management tools**: [dotenvx] for Git-based setup but encrypted, [Doppler SecretOps platform] for file-less remote configs [rtdev]: https://recaptime.dev [hc-arcade]: https://hackclub.com/arcade [Hack Clubber]: https://hackclub.com [leeksbot]: https://gitlab.com/recaptime-dev/hackclub-leeksbot [GitHub CLI]: https://cli.github.com [in the aports]: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports [mau.dev]: https://mau.dev/ajhalili2006 [saas]: https://gitlab.com/ajhalili2006 [^1]: I use identity first language instead of medical/person first language in context of my disability and neurodivergence. but will adjust accordingly to other disabled/neurodivergent people's preferences as needed. [^2]: `~tulir`: Tulir Asokan () [^3]: These are brought by my dad aboard and sent them back home as gift.