# ~ajhalili2006's website [![Hosted on pages.dev](https://img.shields.io/badge/hosted%20on-pages.dev-orange?style=flat-square&logo=cloudflare)](https://pages.dev) [![GitLab last commit](https://img.shields.io/gitlab/last-commit/andreijiroh.dev/website?gitlab_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmau.dev&style=flat-square)](https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website/commits) [![Staging builds on Read The Docs Community](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ajhalili2006/badge/?version=latest&style=flat-square)](https://readthedocs.org/projects/ajhalili2006/) [![Docker CI](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/ajhalili2006.github.io/actions/workflows/docker.yml/badge.svg?event=schedule&style=flat-badge)](https://github.com/ajhalili2006/ajhalili2006.github.io/actions/workflows/docker.yml?query=event%3Aschedule) [![pipeline status](https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website/badges/main/pipeline.svg?style=flat-square)](https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website/-/pipelines) This is my sources for both [`andreijiroh.(eu.org|dev)`](https://andreijiroh.eu.org) and tilde userpages in Ctrl-C Club and ~vern, built with Mkdocs + [Material theme](https://go.andreijiroh.eu.org/mkdocs-material) by [~squidfunk](https://go.andreijiroh.eu.org/squidfunk). (Sources for Gemini version of the website is available at `gmi` directory.) ## Mirrors Canonically developed at [mau.dev](https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website.git) where the deployments happen, with the following mirrors being maintained: * GitHub: , where Docker image builds happen * Jetbrains Space (personal): (repository clone URL: `git.jetbrains.space/ajhalili2006/web/andreijiroh.dev.git`) * Sourcehut: ## Site Development Use the clone links from either the canonical repository URL or its mirrors [as mentioned above](#mirrors) or open this repo in a cloud development environment using these links: [![Open in Gitpod](https://img.shields.io/badge/open%20in-Gitpod-orange?style=flat-square&logo=gitpod)](https://gitpod.io/#https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website) [![Open in Codespaces](https://img.shields.io/badge/open%20in-Codespaces-black?style=flat-square&logo=github)](https://codespaces.dev/ajhalili2006/ajhalili2006.github.io) ### Building from source ```bash # install deps via pipenv... pipenv install # ...or via pip3 with --user flag (generated from "pipenv requirements" and sending its output # to requirements.txt) pip install -r requirements.txt --user # preview site and edit in another session mkdocs serve --watch overrides --watch-theme --livereload ``` ### Sending patches ```bash # send patches via GitLab or GitHub through the CLI glab auth login --host "https://mau.dev" # authenticate CLI gh auth login # authenticate CLI, GitHub.com edition glab -R https://mau.dev/andreijiroh.dev/website mr create --allow-collaboration -b main gh -R ajhalili2006/tildeverse-web pr create # might automatically closes PR due to mirror status # or via my public inbox on sourcehut # see https://git-send-email.io for setup and guide git config sendemail.to "~ajhalili2006/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht" # NOT my personal email git config format.subjectPrefix "PATCH web" # identification in archives + builds.sr.ht git config --global sendemail.annotate yes git config --global format.signOff true # needed for compliance with Linux DCO git send-email HEAD^ ``` ## Contributing Patches are always welcome, although you must sign-off your commits to comply with the Linux DCO. Please be reminded that while this is a personal open-source project, please expect long waiting times during pathc reviews and don't be disappointed when I disagree on stuff and chose not to merge the patches for any reasons, including mental health breaks. ## Legalese Unless otherwise noted, source code is licensed under the MPL-2.0 while website content (text-only) is under CC BY-SA 4.0. The only thing that's not covered by this is [the favicon version](markdown/assets/images/favicon.png) of my (current) profile picture. ### Third-party code * [OpenWeb Icons Set](https://iconduck.com/sets/openweb-icons-set) - SIL Open Font License 1.1 * Upstream template code from Material for Mkdocs for overrides directory - MIT