# The Docker image that will be used to build your app image: quay.io/ajhalili2006/mkdocs-material-build-ci:nightly # Functions that should be executed before the build script is run before_script: - pip3 install -r requirements.txt - npm ci - curl --silent "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/mobile-devops/download-secure-files/-/raw/main/installer" | bash - (curl -Ls --tlsv1.2 --proto "=https" --retry 3 https://cli.doppler.com/install.sh || wget -t 3 -qO- https://cli.doppler.com/install.sh) | sh variables: DEBUG: "1" FF_ENABLE_COMMIT_DATA: "true" FF_GENERATE_SOCIAL_CARDS: "true" SECURE_FILES_DOWNLOAD_PATH: /run/secrets pages: script: - bash ./build.sh - doppler run -- ./bin/deploykit-pages.sh artifacts: paths: # The folder that contains the files to be exposed at the Page URL - public variables: CF_PAGES_PROJECT_NAME: ajhalili2006 rules: # This ensures that only pushes to the default branch will trigger # a pages deploy - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH