# Hack Club Eligiblity Bot A bot that allows you to view the eligiblity of someone in Hack Club for certain swag (basically "are you a student?") This uses the Hack Club Eligiblity API (duh). ## Usage Run `/check-eligiblity` in any Slack channel, and optionally ping a user to check their eligiblity (otherwise it shows your own). If you view your own eligiblity, you can also see the raw response from the API. ## Installation 1. Clone the repo. ```sh $ git clone https://git.hackclub.app/haroon/hack-club-eligiblity.git ``` 2. Enter the newly created directory. ```sh $ cd hack-club-eligiblity ``` 3. Add your bot token and signing secret to .env: ```sh $ .env # Add: SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<> SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=<> ``` 4. Install dependencies: ``` $ npm i ``` 5. Run! ``` $ npx tsx . ```