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2023-01-27 17:11:10 -06:00
{% extends "organization/home-base.html" %}
{% block org_js %}
{% include "organization/blog/pending-js.html" %}
{% endblock %}
2023-01-27 17:11:10 -06:00
{% block middle_content %}
{% for post in blogs %}
<section class="{% if post.sticky %}sticky {% endif %} blog-box" id="post-{{post.id}}">
{% if post.is_organization_private and show_organization_private_icon %}
<div style="margin-bottom: 1em; display: flex;">
{% for org in post.organizations.all() %}
{% include "organization/tag.html" %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div style="margin-bottom: 0.5em">
<span class="post-content-header time">
{% with authors=post.get_authors() %}
{%- if authors -%}
<span class="user-img" style="width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em">
<img src="{{gravatar(authors[0])}}" loading="lazy">
<span class="post-authors">{{ link_users(authors) }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{% endwith %}
{{ relative_time(post.publish_on) }}
{%- if post.sticky %} &#8226;
<i title="Sticky" class="fa fa-star fa-fw"></i>{% endif -%}
<h2 class="title">
<a href="{{ url('blog_post', post.id, post.slug) }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
<div class="blog-description">
<div class="summary content-description">
{% cache 86400 'post_content' post.id %}
{{ post.content|markdown(lazy_load=True)|reference|str|safe }}
{% endcache %}
<div class="show-more"> {{_("...More")}} </div>
{% if request.profile.can_edit_organization(org) %}
<div class="actionbar-box">
<div class="actionbar {{'hide_texts_on_mobile' if hide_texts_on_mobile}}">
<span class="actionbar-block">
<a class="actionbar-button white background-green" href="#" onclick="javascript:approvePost('{{ url('edit_organization_blog', org.id , org.slug , post.id) }}', {{ post.id }}, event)">
<i class="fa fa-check" style="font-size: large;"></i>
<span class="actionbar-text">{{_("Approve")}}</span>
<span class="actionbar-block">
<a class="actionbar-button black" href="{{ url('edit_organization_blog', org.id , org.slug , post.id) }}">
<i class="fa fa-edit" style="font-size: large;"></i>
<span class="actionbar-text">{{_("Edit")}}</span>
<span class="actionbar-block">
<a class="actionbar-button white background-red" href="#" onclick="javascript:rejectPost('{{ url('edit_organization_blog', org.id , org.slug , post.id) }}', {{ post.id }}, event)">
<i class="fa fa-times" style="font-size: large;"></i>
<span class="actionbar-text">{{_("Reject")}}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "feed/has_next.html" %}
2022-05-30 01:59:53 -05:00
{% endblock %}