129 lines
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129 lines
5.5 KiB
from datetime import timedelta
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import connection
from django.template.defaultfilters import floatformat
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy
from judge.contest_format.default import DefaultContestFormat
from judge.contest_format.registry import register_contest_format
from judge.timezone import from_database_time
from judge.utils.timedelta import nice_repr
class ICPCContestFormat(DefaultContestFormat):
name = gettext_lazy('ICPC')
config_defaults = {'penalty': 20}
config_validators = {'penalty': lambda x: x >= 0}
penalty: Number of penalty minutes each incorrect submission adds. Defaults to 20.
def validate(cls, config):
if config is None:
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise ValidationError('ICPC-styled contest expects no config or dict as config')
for key, value in config.items():
if key not in cls.config_defaults:
raise ValidationError('unknown config key "%s"' % key)
if not isinstance(value, type(cls.config_defaults[key])):
raise ValidationError('invalid type for config key "%s"' % key)
if not cls.config_validators[key](value):
raise ValidationError('invalid value "%s" for config key "%s"' % (value, key))
def __init__(self, contest, config):
self.config = self.config_defaults.copy()
self.config.update(config or {})
self.contest = contest
def update_participation(self, participation):
cumtime = 0
last = 0
penalty = 0
score = 0
format_data = {}
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
SELECT MAX(cs.points) as `points`, (
SELECT MIN(csub.date)
FROM judge_contestsubmission ccs LEFT OUTER JOIN
judge_submission csub ON (csub.id = ccs.submission_id)
WHERE ccs.problem_id = cp.id AND ccs.participation_id = %s AND ccs.points = MAX(cs.points)
) AS `time`, cp.id AS `prob`
FROM judge_contestproblem cp INNER JOIN
judge_contestsubmission cs ON (cs.problem_id = cp.id AND cs.participation_id = %s) LEFT OUTER JOIN
judge_submission sub ON (sub.id = cs.submission_id)
GROUP BY cp.id
''', (participation.id, participation.id))
for points, time, prob in cursor.fetchall():
time = from_database_time(time)
dt = (time - participation.start).total_seconds()
# Compute penalty
if self.config['penalty']:
# An IE can have a submission result of `None`
subs = participation.submissions.exclude(submission__result__isnull=True) \
.exclude(submission__result__in=['IE', 'CE']) \
if points:
prev = subs.filter(submission__date__lte=time).count() - 1
penalty += prev * self.config['penalty'] * 60
# We should always display the penalty, even if the user has a score of 0
prev = subs.count()
prev = 0
if points:
cumtime += dt
last = max(last, dt)
format_data[str(prob)] = {'time': dt, 'points': points, 'penalty': prev}
score += points
participation.cumtime = cumtime + penalty
participation.score = score
participation.tiebreaker = last # field is sorted from least to greatest
participation.format_data = format_data
def display_user_problem(self, participation, contest_problem):
format_data = (participation.format_data or {}).get(str(contest_problem.id))
if format_data:
penalty = format_html('<small style="color:red"> ({penalty})</small>',
penalty=floatformat(format_data['penalty'])) if format_data['penalty'] else ''
return format_html(
'<td class="{state}"><a href="{url}">{points}{penalty}<div class="solving-time">{time}</div></a></td>',
state=(('pretest-' if self.contest.run_pretests_only and contest_problem.is_pretested else '') +
self.best_solution_state(format_data['points'], contest_problem.points)),
args=[self.contest.key, participation.user.user.username, contest_problem.problem.code]),
time=nice_repr(timedelta(seconds=format_data['time']), 'noday'),
return mark_safe('<td></td>')
def get_contest_problem_label_script(self):
return '''
n = n + 1
ret = ""
while n > 0 do
ret = string.char((n - 1) % 26 + 65) .. ret
n = math.floor((n - 1) / 26)
return ret