{% extends "problem/list-base.html" %}
{% block left_sidebar %}
  {% include "problem/left-sidebar.html" %}
{% endblock %}

{% set has_hidden_subtasks = show_contest_mode and request.participation.contest.format.has_hidden_subtasks %}

{% block middle_content %}
  <div id="content-left" class="problems">
    <table id="problem-table" class="table striped">
          {% if show_contest_mode %}
            {% if request.user.is_authenticated and not has_hidden_subtasks %}
              <th class="solved"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></th>
            {% endif %}
            <th class="problem">{{ _('Problem') }}</th>
            <th class="pcode">{{ _('Problem code') }}</th>
            {% if show_types %}
              <th>{{ _('Types') }}</th>
            {% endif %}
            <th class="points">{{ _('Points') }}</th>
            {% if not has_hidden_subtasks %}
              <th class="users">{{ _('Users') }}</th>
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
              <th class="solved">
                <a href="{{ sort_links.solved }}"><i class="fa fa-check"></i>{{ sort_order.solved }}
            {% endif %}
            <th class="problem">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.name }}">{{ _('Problem') }}{{ sort_order.name }}</a>
            <th class="pcode">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.code }}">{{ _('Problem code') }}</a>
            <th class="category">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.group }}">{{ _('Category') }}{{ sort_order.group }}</a>
            {% if show_types %}
                <a href="{{ sort_links.type }}">{{ _('Types') }}{{ sort_order.type }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            <th class="points">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.points }}">{{ _('Points') }}{{ sort_order.points }}</a>
            <th class="ac-rate">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.ac_rate }}">{{ _('AC %%') }}{{ sort_order.ac_rate }}</a>
            <th class="users">
              <a href="{{ sort_links.user_count }}">{{ _('AC #') }}{{ sort_order.user_count }}</a>
            {% if show_editorial %}
              <th class="editorial">
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% for problem in object_list %}
            {% if request.user.is_authenticated and not has_hidden_subtasks %}
              {% if problem.id in completed_problem_ids %}
                <td solved="1">
                  <a href="{{ url('user_submissions', problem.code, request.user.username) }}">
                    {% if problem.is_public or show_contest_mode %}
                      <i class="solved-problem-color fa fa-check-circle"></i>
                    {% else %}
                      <i class="solved-problem-color fa fa-lock"></i>
                    {% endif %}
              {% elif problem.id in attempted_problems %}
                <td solved="0">
                  <a href="{{ url('user_submissions', problem.code, request.user.username) }}">
                    {% if problem.is_public or show_contest_mode %}
                      <i class="attempted-problem-color fa fa-minus-circle"></i>
                    {% else %}
                      <i class="attempted-problem-color fa fa-lock"></i>
                    {% endif %}
              {% else %}
                <td solved="-1">
                  {% if problem.is_public or show_contest_mode %}
                    <i class="unsolved-problem-color fa fa-minus-circle"></i>
                  {% else %}
                    <i class="unsolved-problem-color fa fa-lock"></i>
                  {% endif %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            <td class="problem">
              <a href="{{ url('problem_detail', problem.code) }}">{{ problem.i18n_name }}</a>
            <td class="pcode">
              <a class="pcodecell" href="{{ url('problem_detail', problem.code) }}">{{ problem.code }}</a>
            {% if not show_contest_mode %}
              <td class="category">{{ problem.group.full_name }}</td>
            {% endif %}
            {% if show_types %}
              <td class="types">
                {% for type in problem.types_list %}
                  <span class="type-tag">{{ type }}</span>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            <td class="p">{{ problem.points|floatformat }}{% if problem.partial %}p{% endif %}</td>
            {% if not show_contest_mode %}
              <td class="ac-rate">{{ problem.ac_rate|floatformat(0) }}%</td>
            {% endif %}
            {% if not has_hidden_subtasks %}
              <td class="users">
                <a href="{{ url('ranked_submissions', problem.code) }}">
                  {% if not show_contest_mode or not hide_contest_scoreboard %}
                    {{ problem.user_count }}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if show_editorial%}
              <td class="editorial">
                {% if problem.has_public_editorial %}
                  <a href="{{ url('problem_editorial', problem.code) }}">{{ _('Editorial') }}</a>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% if show_contest_mode and request.participation.contest.use_clarifications %}
      {% if can_edit_contest %}
        <div style="float: right; font-size: 1.2em">
          <a href="{{url('new_contest_clarification', request.participation.contest.key)}}"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle" class="green"></i> <u>{{_('Add clarifications')}}</u></a>
      {% endif %}
      {% if has_clarifications %}
        <div style="font-size: 1.2em; font-style: bold">
          <i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> {{_('Clarifications')}}</div>
        <table class="table">
          {% for clarification in clarifications %}
                <a href="{{ url('problem_detail', clarification.problem.problem.code) }}"
                  {{ clarification.problem.problem.name }}
              <td class="time">{{ relative_time(clarification.date) }}</td>
              <td><p style="overflow-wrap: break-word; word-break: break-word">{{clarification.description}}</p></td>
          {% endfor %}
      {% else %}
        <p style="font-style: italic; text-align: center">
          {{ _('No clarifications have been made at this time.') }}</center>
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  {% if page_obj.num_pages > 1 %}
    <div style="margin-top:10px;">{% include "list-pages.html" %}</div>
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}