from django.conf import settings
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.safestring import SafeData, mark_safe

if settings.USE_I18N:
    from django.utils.translation.trans_real import DjangoTranslation, get_language

    _translations = {}

    def translation(language):
        global _translations
        if language not in _translations:
            _translations[language] = DjangoTranslation(language, domain="dmoj-user")
        return _translations[language]

    def do_translate(message, translation_function):
        """Copied from django.utils.translation.trans_real"""
        # str() is allowing a bytestring message to remain bytestring on Python 2
        eol_message = message.replace(str("\r\n"), str("\n")).replace(
            str("\r"), str("\n")

        if len(eol_message) == 0:
            # Returns an empty value of the corresponding type if an empty message
            # is given, instead of metadata, which is the default gettext behavior.
            result = ""
            translation_object = translation(get_language())
            result = getattr(translation_object, translation_function)(eol_message)
            if not isinstance(result, six.text_type):
                result = result.decode("utf-8")

        if isinstance(message, SafeData):
            return mark_safe(result)

        return result

    def gettext(message):
        return do_translate(message, "gettext")


    def gettext(message):
        return message