{% extends "user/user-base.html" %} {% block title_ruler %}{% endblock %} {% block title_row %} {% set tab = 'about' %} {% include "user/user-tabs.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block user_content %}
{% if user.first_name %}

{{user.first_name}}{% if user.last_name %} ({{user.last_name}}){% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if perms.judge.change_profile %} {% with notes=user.notes %} {% if notes %}

{{ _('Admin Notes') }}: {{ notes }}

{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endif%} {% if user.about %}

{{ _('About') }}

{{ user.about|markdown(lazy_load=True)|reference|str|safe }} {% else %} {% if user.user == request.user %} {{ _('You have not shared any information.') }} {% else %} {{ _('This user has not shared any information.') }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if awards %}


{% for medal in awards %} {% if medal.ranking == 1 %} {% set medal_url = static('awards/gold-medal.png') %} {% elif medal.ranking == 2%} {% set medal_url = static('awards/silver-medal.png') %} {% else %} {% set medal_url = static('awards/bronze-medal.png') %} {% endif %} {% endfor%}
{% endif %}

{% if rating %}

{{_('Rating History')}}

, #
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block bodyend %} {% if ratings %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}