<section class="{% if post.sticky %}sticky {% endif %}post">
    <span style="float:right">
        <span class="time">
            {%- if post.sticky %}<i title="Sticky" class="fa fa-star fa-fw"></i>{% endif -%}
            {% with authors=post.authors.all() %}
                {%- if authors -%}
                    <span class="post-authors">{{ link_users(authors) }}</span>
                {%- endif -%}
            {% endwith %}
            {{ relative_time(post.publish_on, abs=_('posted on {time}'), rel=_('posted {time}')) -}}
            <a href="{{ url('blog_post', post.id, post.slug) }}#comments" class="blog-comment-count-link">
                <i class="fa fa-comments blog-comment-icon"></i>
                <span class="blog-comment-count">
                    {{- post_comment_counts[post.id] or 0 -}}
    <h2 class="title">
        <a href="{{ url('blog_post', post.id, post.slug) }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
    {% if post.is_organization_private and show_organization_private_icon %}
        <div class="organization-tags">
            {% for org in post.organizations.all() %}
                <span class="organization-tag">
                    <a href="{{ org.get_absolute_url() }}">
                        <i class="fa fa-lock"></i> {{ org.name }}
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="summary content-description">
        {% cache 86400 'post_summary' post.id %}
            {{ post.summary|default(post.content, true)|markdown('blog', 'svg', lazy_load=True)|reference|str|safe }}
        {% endcache %}