{% extends "two-column-content.html" %} {% set page_type = 'detail' %} {% block middle_title %}


{% endblock %} {% block left_sidebar %} {% set title = contest.name %} {% include "contest/contest-tabs.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block js_media %} {% include "contest/media-js.html" %} {% include "comments/media-js.html" %} {% include "actionbar/media-js.html" %} {% include "contest/contest-datetime-js.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block two_col_media %} {% include "comments/media-css.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block middle_content %} {% include "contest/contest-datetime.html" %} {% if request.user.is_authenticated %} {% if contest.can_join or is_editor or is_tester %} {% set in_contest = contest.is_in_contest(request.user) %} {% if contest.ended %} {# Allow users to leave the virtual contest #} {% if in_contest %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %} {# Allow users to virtual join #}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% else %} {# Allow users to leave the contest #} {% if in_contest %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% elif is_editor or is_tester or live_participation.ended %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% else %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% elif contest.can_join %}
{% endif %}
{% if contest.is_organization_private %}
{% for org in contest.organizations.all() %} {% include "organization/tag.html" %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if editable_organizations or is_clonable %}
{% for org in editable_organizations %} [{{ _('Edit in') }} {{org.slug}}] {% endfor %} {% if is_clonable %} [{{_('Clone')}}] {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% cache 3600 'contest_html' contest.id %} {{ contest.description|markdown|reference|str|safe }} {% endcache %}
{% if contest.ended or request.user.is_superuser or is_editor or is_tester %}

{{ _('Problems') }}

{% for problem in contest_problems %} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Problem') }} {{ _('Points') }} {{ _('AC Rate') }} {{ _('Users') }}
{% if problem.is_public %} {{ problem.i18n_name }} {% else %} {{ problem.i18n_name }} {% endif %} {{ problem.points|floatformat }}{% if problem.partial %}p{% endif %} {{ problem.ac_rate|floatformat(1) }}% {% if problem.is_public %} {{ problem.user_count }} {% else %} {{ problem.user_count }} {% endif %} {% if problem.is_public and problem.has_public_editorial %} {{ _('Editorial') }} {% endif %}

{% endif %}

{% include "actionbar/list.html" %}
{% include "comments/list.html" %} {% endblock %}