[flake8] max-line-length = 120 application-import-names = dmoj,judge,django_ace,event_socket_server import-order-style = pycharm enable-extensions = G ignore = W504, # line break occurred after a binary operator # allow only generator_stop and annotations future imports FI10,FI11,FI12,FI13,FI14,FI15,FI16,FI17,FI18,FI55,FI58, C814, # missing trailing comma in Python 2 only per-file-ignores = # F401: unused imports, ignore in all __init__.py # F403: import * ./*/__init__.py:F401,F403 # F405: name comes from import * ./event_socket_server/__init__.py:F401,F403,F405 ./judge/management/commands/runmoss.py:F403,F405 # E501: line too long, ignore in migrations ./judge/migrations/*.py:E501 # E303: too many blank lines # PyCharm likes to have double lines between class/def in an if statement. ./judge/widgets/pagedown.py:E303 exclude = ./dmoj/local_settings.py, # belongs to the user