// IE 8 if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (obj) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == obj) { return i; } } return -1; } } if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) { return this.substr(position || 0, searchString.length) === searchString; }; } if (!String.prototype.endsWith) { String.prototype.endsWith = function (searchString, position) { var subjectString = this.toString(); if (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > subjectString.length) { position = subjectString.length; } position -= searchString.length; var lastIndex = subjectString.lastIndexOf(searchString, position); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position; }; } function register_toggle(link) { link.click(function () { var toggled = link.next('.toggled'); if (toggled.is(':visible')) { toggled.hide(400); link.removeClass('open'); link.addClass('closed'); } else { toggled.show(400); link.addClass('open'); link.removeClass('closed'); } }); } $(function register_all_toggles() { $('.toggle').each(function () { register_toggle($(this)); }); }); function featureTest(property, value, noPrefixes) { var prop = property + ':', el = document.createElement('test'), mStyle = el.style; if (!noPrefixes) { mStyle.cssText = prop + ['-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', ''].join(value + ';' + prop) + value + ';'; } else { mStyle.cssText = prop + value; } return !!mStyle[property]; } window.fix_div = function (div, height) { var div_offset = div.offset().top - $('html').offset().top; var is_moving; var moving = function () { div.css('position', 'absolute').css('top', div_offset); is_moving = true; }; var fix = function () { div.css('position', 'fixed').css('top', height); is_moving = false; }; ($(window).scrollTop() - div_offset > -height) ? 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