{% extends "base.html" %} {% block js_media %} <script type="text/javascript"> window.valid_files = {{valid_files_json}}; $(function () { }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ static('libs/jquery-sortable.js') }}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ static('libs/featherlight/featherlight.min.js') }}"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { function update_select2() { $('tbody:not(.extra-row-body) .type-column select').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 }); } update_select2(); function autofill_if_exists($select, file) { if (!$select.val() && ~window.valid_files.indexOf(file)) $select.val(file).trigger('change'); } var $table = $('#case-table'); $table.on('add-row', function (e, $tr) { update_select2(); $tr.find('input').filter('[id$=file]').each(function () { var $select, val = $(this).replaceWith($select = $('<select>').attr({ id: $(this).attr('id'), name: $(this).attr('name'), style: 'width: 100%' })).val(); $select.select2({ data: window.valid_files, allowClear: true, placeholder: '' }).val(val).trigger('change').on('change', function () { var val = $select.val(); if (val) { if ($select.attr('id').endsWith('input_file')) autofill_if_exists($tr.find('select[id$=output_file]'), val.replace(/in(?!.*?in)/, 'out')); else autofill_if_exists($tr.find('select[id$=input_file]'), val.replace(/out(?!.*?out)/, 'in')); } }); }); }); var order = 0; function handle_table_reorder() { var in_batch = false; $table.find('tbody:first tr').each(function () { switch ($(this).attr('data-type')) { case 'C': $(this).find('input[id$=points], input[id$=pretest]').toggle(!in_batch); break; case 'S': in_batch = true; break; case 'E': in_batch = false; } }); } function try_parse_json(json) { try { return JSON.parse(json); } catch (e) { return {}; } } function checker_precision($checker) { var $td = $checker.parent(); var $args = $td.find('input'); var $precision = $('<input>', { type: 'number', value: try_parse_json($args.val()).precision || 6, title: 'precision (decimal digits)', style: 'width: 4em' }).change(function () { if ($checker.val().startsWith('floats')) $args.val(JSON.stringify({precision: parseInt($(this).val())})); else $args.val(''); }).appendTo($td); $checker.change(function () { $precision.toggle($checker.val().startsWith('floats')).change(); }).change(); } function swap_row($a, $b) { var $a_order = $a.find('input[id$=order]'), $b_order = $b.find('input[id$=order]'); var order = $a_order.val(); $a_order.val($b_order.val()); $b_order.val(order); $b.after($a); $a.find('span.order').text($a_order.val()); $b.find('span.order').text($b_order.val()); handle_table_reorder(); } checker_precision($('#id_problem-data-checker')); $table.on('add-row', function (e, $tr) { var $order = $tr.find('input').filter('[id$=order]').attr('type', 'hidden').val(++order); $order.after($('<span>', {'class': 'order'}).text($order.val())) .after($('<i>', {'class': 'fa fa-fw fa-lg fa-ellipsis-v'})); var $opts = $tr.find('input').slice(2, 6); var $files = $tr.find('select').slice(1, 3); var $checker = $files.end().last(); $tr.find('select[id$=type]').change(function () { var $this = $(this), val = $this.val(), disabled; switch (val) { case 'S': case 'E': disabled = val == 'S'; $opts.toggle(val == 'S'); $files.siblings('.select2').hide(); $checker.toggle(val == 'S'); break; default: $opts.toggle(val == 'C'); $files.siblings('.select2').toggle(val == 'C'); $checker.toggle(val == 'C'); var $prevs = $tr.prevAll('tr[data-type=S], tr[data-type=E]'); disabled = $prevs.length && $prevs.get(0).getAttribute('data-type') == 'S'; $tr.find('input[id$=points], input[id$=pretest]').toggle(val == 'C' && !disabled); } $tr.attr('data-type', val).nextUntil('tr[data-type=S], tr[data-type=E], tr[data-type=""]') .find('input[id$=points], input[id$=pretest]').toggle(!disabled); }).change(); var tooltip_classes = 'tooltipped tooltipped-s'; $tr.find('a.edit-generator-args').mouseover(function () { switch ($tr.attr('data-type')) { case 'C': case 'S': var $this = $(this).addClass(tooltip_classes); $this.attr('aria-label', $this.prev().val() || '(none)'); } }).mouseout(function () { $(this).removeClass(tooltip_classes).removeAttr('aria-label'); }).featherlight($('.generator-args-editor'), { beforeOpen: function () { switch ($tr.attr('data-type')) { case 'C': case 'S': return true; default: return false; } }, afterOpen: function () { var $input = this.$currentTarget.prev(); this.$instance.find('.generator-args-editor') .find('textarea').val($input.val()).end() .find('.button').click(function () { $input.val($(this).prev().val()); $.featherlight.current().close(); }).end() .show(); } }); checker_precision($tr.find('select[id$=checker]')); }).find('tbody:first').find('tr').each(function () { $table.trigger('add-row', [$(this)]); }); $('form').submit(function () { $table.find('tbody:first').find('tr').each(function () { var filled = false; $(this).find('input, select').each(function () { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.attr('name')) return; if ($this.attr('type') === 'checkbox') filled |= $this.is(':checked'); else if (!$this.attr('name').endsWith('order')) filled |= !!$this.val(); }); if (!filled) $(this).find('input[id$=order]').val(''); }); }); var $total = $('#id_cases-TOTAL_FORMS'); $('a#add-case-row').click(function () { var $tr; $table.find('tbody:first').append($tr = $($table.find('.extra-row-body').html() .replace(/__prefix__/g, $total.val()))); $tr.find('.type-column select option[value="C"]').attr('selected', true); $total.val(parseInt($total.val()) + 1); $table.trigger('add-row', [$tr]); window.scrollBy(0, $tr.height()); return false; }); $('a#fill-testcases').click(function () { var inFiles = [], outFiles = []; for (var i = 0; i < window.valid_files.length; i++) { if (window.valid_files[i].endsWith(".in")) { inFiles.push(window.valid_files[i]); } if (window.valid_files[i].endsWith(".out")) { outFiles.push(window.valid_files[i]); } } if (inFiles.length == 0) { alert("No input/output files. Make sure your files' suffices are .in/.out"); return false; } if (inFiles.length != outFiles.length) { alert("The input files do not match the output files!"); return false; } // add boxes while ($total.val() < inFiles.length) { $('a#add-case-row').click(); } // fill cases for (var i = 0; i < inFiles.length; i++) { $("#id_cases-" + i + "-input_file").val(inFiles[i]).change(); } // add points if ($('#problem-type').val() == "ICPC") { for (i = 0; i + 1 < inFiles.length; i++) { $("#id_cases-" + i + "-points").val("0").change(); } $("#id_cases-" + (inFiles.length - 1) + "-points").val("100").change(); } else { for (i = 0; i < inFiles.length; i++) { $("#id_cases-" + i + "-points").val("1").change(); } } return false; }); var oldIndex; $table.sortable({ containerSelector: 'table', itemPath: '> tbody:first', itemSelector: 'tr', handle: 'i.fa-ellipsis-v', placeholder: '<tr class="placeholder">', onDragStart: function ($item, container, _super) { oldIndex = $item.index(); _super($item, container); }, onDrop: function ($item, container, _super) { var newIndex = $item.index(); if (newIndex > oldIndex) { var order = parseInt($item.parent().children().slice(oldIndex, newIndex).each(function () { var $order = $(this).find('input[id$=order]'); $order.val(parseInt($order.val()) - 1).siblings('span.order').text($order.val()); }).last().after($item).find('input[id$=order]').val()); $item.find('input[id$=order]').val(order + 1).siblings('span.order').text(order + 1); } else if (newIndex < oldIndex) { var order = parseInt($item.parent().children().slice(newIndex + 1, oldIndex + 1).each(function () { var $order = $(this).find('input[id$=order]'); $order.val(parseInt($order.val()) + 1).siblings('span.order').text($order.val()); }).first().before($item).find('input[id$=order]').val()); $item.find('input[id$=order]').val(order - 1).siblings('span.order').text(order - 1); } if (newIndex != oldIndex) handle_table_reorder(); _super($item, container); } }); var $controls = $('#column-visible'); var problem = $controls.attr('data-problem'); $controls.find('input').change(function () { var $this = $(this), suffix = $this.attr('data-suffix'), checked = $this.is(':checked'); $table.find('.' + suffix.replace(/_/g, '-')).toggle(checked); localStorage.setItem('data-visible:' + problem + ':' + suffix, checked ? '1' : '0') }).each(function () { var $this = $(this), suffix = $this.attr('data-suffix'), filled = false; filled = localStorage.getItem('data-visible:' + problem + ':' + suffix); if (filled !== null) filled = filled == '1'; else { filled = false; $table.find('[id$=' + suffix + ']').each(function () { filled |= !!$(this).val(); }); } $this.prop('checked', filled).trigger('change'); }); }); </script> {% endblock %} {% block media %} <style> #case-table .select2 { text-align: initial; } .order-column { width: 1em; } .bad-file input, .bad-file .select2-selection { border-color: red; } span.order { padding-right: 0.5em; } body.dragging, body.dragging * { cursor: move !important; } .dragged { position: absolute; opacity: 0.5; z-index: 2000; } tr.placeholder { display: block; background: red; position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; } tr.placeholder:before { content: ""; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; border: 5px solid transparent; border-left-color: red; margin-top: -5px; left: -5px; border-right: none; } i.fa-ellipsis-v { cursor: move; } .edit-generator-args { position: relative; } .generator-args-editor textarea { display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 0.5em; height: 8em; } .generator-args-editor #submit-button { display: block; float: right; } #case-table tbody td { white-space: nowrap; } .type-column { width: 8em; } ul.errorlist { border: 3px red solid; border-radius: 5px; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; background: #e99; } </style> {% endblock %} {% block header %} {% if data_form.instance.has_yml %} <div class="title-line-action"> [<a href="{{ url('problem_data_init', problem.code) }}">{{ _('View YAML') }}</a>] </div> {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% if data_form.instance.feedback %} <ul class="errorlist"> <li>{{ data_form.instance.feedback }}</li> </ul> {% endif %} <form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> {% csrf_token %} {{ cases_formset.management_form }} <table class="table"> {{ data_form.as_table() }} <th> <label>Autofill testcases:</label> </th> <td> Problem type: <select id="problem-type"> <option value="ICPC">ICPC</option> <option value="OI">OI</option> </select> <a id="fill-testcases" href="#"> <i class="fa fa-circle"></i> Fill testcases </a> </td> </table> <div id="column-visible" data-problem="{{ problem.code }}"> <strong>{{ _('Show columns:') }}</strong> <label> <input type="checkbox" data-suffix="output_prefix"> {{ _('Output prefix') }} </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" data-suffix="output_limit"> {{ _('Output limit') }} </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" data-suffix="checker"> {{ _('Checker') }} </label> <label> <input type="checkbox" data-suffix="generator_args"> {{ _('Generator args') }} </label> </div> <table id="case-table" class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="order-column"></th> <th class="type-column">{{ _('Type') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Input file') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Output file') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Points') }}</th> <th>{{ _('Pretest?') }}</th> <th class="output-prefix">{{ _('Output prefix') }}</th> <th class="output-limit">{{ _('Output limit') }}</th> <th class="checker">{{ _('Checker') }}</th> <th class="generator-args">{{ _('Generator args') }}</th> {% if cases_formset.can_delete %} <th>{{ _('Delete?') }}</th> {% endif %} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {% for form in all_case_forms %} {% if form.non_field_errors() %} <tr> <td colspan="{{ 9 + cases_formset.can_delete }}">{{ form.non_field_errors() }}</td> </tr> {% endif %} {% if form.prefix and '__prefix__' in form.prefix %} </tbody> <tbody class="extra-row-body" style="display: none"> {% endif %} <tr data-type="{{ form['type'].value() }}"> <td>{{ form.id }}{{ form.order.errors }}{{ form.order }}</td> <td class="type-column">{{ form.type.errors }}{{ form.type }}</td> <td{% if not (form.empty_permitted or form['type'].value() != 'C' or form['input_file'].value() in valid_files) %} class="bad-file"{% endif %}> {{ form.input_file.errors }}{{ form.input_file }} </td> <td{% if not (form.empty_permitted or form['type'].value() != 'C' or form['output_file'].value() in valid_files) %} class="bad-file"{% endif %}> {{ form.output_file.errors }}{{ form.output_file }} </td> <td>{{ form.points.errors }}{{ form.points }}</td> <td>{{ form.is_pretest.errors }}{{ form.is_pretest }}</td> <td class="output-prefix">{{ form.output_prefix.errors }}{{ form.output_prefix }}</td> <td class="output-limit">{{ form.output_limit.errors }}{{ form.output_limit }}</td> <td class="checker"> {{ form.checker.errors }}{{ form.checker }}{{ form.checker_args.errors }}{{ form.checker_args }} </td> <td class="generator-args">{{ form.generator_args.errors }}{{ form.generator_args }} <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit-generator-args"> <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> {{ _('Edit') }} </a> </td> {% if cases_formset.can_delete %} <td>{{ form.DELETE }}</td> {% endif %} </tr> {% endfor %} </tbody> </table> <input type="submit" value="{{ _('Submit!') }}" class="button" id="submit-button"> <a id="add-case-row" href="#"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> {{ _('Add new case') }}</a> </form> <div style="display: none" class="generator-args-editor"><textarea></textarea><a class="button">Save</a></div> {% endblock %}