from collections import namedtuple from django.conf import settings from django.db import connection from judge.models import Submission from judge.timezone import from_database_time PP_WEIGHT_TABLE = [ pow(settings.DMOJ_PP_STEP, i) for i in range(settings.DMOJ_PP_ENTRIES) ] PPBreakdown = namedtuple( "PPBreakdown", "points weight scaled_points problem_name problem_code " "sub_id sub_date sub_points sub_total sub_result_class " "sub_short_status sub_long_status sub_lang", ) def get_pp_breakdown(user, start=0, end=settings.DMOJ_PP_ENTRIES): with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute( f""" SELECT max_points_table.problem_code, max_points_table.problem_name, max_points_table.max_points,,, judge_submission.case_points, judge_submission.case_total, judge_submission.result, judge_language.short_name, judge_language.key FROM ( SELECT problem_id, problem_name, judge_problem.code problem_code, MAX(judge_submission.points) AS max_points FROM judge_problem INNER JOIN judge_submission ON ( = judge_submission.problem_id) WHERE (judge_problem.is_public AND NOT judge_problem.is_organization_private AND judge_submission.points IS NOT NULL AND judge_submission.user_id = %s) GROUP BY HAVING MAX(judge_submission.points) > 0.0 ) AS max_points_table INNER JOIN judge_submission ON ( judge_submission.problem_id = max_points_table.problem_id AND judge_submission.points = max_points_table.max_points AND judge_submission.user_id = %s ) INNER JOIN judge_language ON (judge_submission.language_id = GROUP BY max_points_table.problem_id ORDER BY max_points DESC, DESC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s """, (,, end - start + 1, start), ) data = cursor.fetchall() breakdown = [] for weight, contrib in zip(PP_WEIGHT_TABLE[start:end], data): ( code, name, points, id, date, case_points, case_total, result, lang_short_name, lang_key, ) = contrib # Replicates a lot of the logic usually done on Submission objects lang_short_display_name = lang_short_name or lang_key result_class = Submission.result_class_from_code( result, case_points, case_total ) long_status = Submission.USER_DISPLAY_CODES.get(result, "") breakdown.append( PPBreakdown( points=points, weight=weight * 100, scaled_points=points * weight, problem_name=name, problem_code=code, sub_id=id, sub_date=from_database_time(date), sub_points=case_points, sub_total=case_total, sub_short_status=result, sub_long_status=long_status, sub_result_class=result_class, sub_lang=lang_short_display_name, ) ) has_more = end < min(len(PP_WEIGHT_TABLE), start + len(data)) return breakdown, has_more