from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed from django.core.cache import cache from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed from judge.jinja2.markdown import markdown from judge.models import BlogPost, Comment, Problem class ProblemFeed(Feed): title = 'Recently Added %s Problems' % settings.SITE_NAME link = '/' description = 'The latest problems added on the %s website' % settings.SITE_LONG_NAME def items(self): return Problem.objects.filter(is_public=True, is_organization_private=False).defer('description')\ .order_by('-date', '-id')[:25] def item_title(self, problem): return def item_description(self, problem): key = 'problem_feed:%d' % desc = cache.get(key) if desc is None: desc = str(markdown(problem.description, 'problem'))[:500] + '...' cache.set(key, desc, 86400) return desc def item_pubdate(self, problem): return item_updateddate = item_pubdate class AtomProblemFeed(ProblemFeed): feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = ProblemFeed.description class CommentFeed(Feed): title = 'Latest %s Comments' % settings.SITE_NAME link = '/' description = 'The latest comments on the %s website' % settings.SITE_LONG_NAME def items(self): return Comment.most_recent(AnonymousUser(), 25) def item_title(self, comment): return '%s -> %s' % (, comment.page_title) def item_description(self, comment): key = 'comment_feed:%d' % desc = cache.get(key) if desc is None: desc = str(markdown(comment.body, 'comment')) cache.set(key, desc, 86400) return desc def item_pubdate(self, comment): return comment.time item_updateddate = item_pubdate class AtomCommentFeed(CommentFeed): feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = CommentFeed.description class BlogFeed(Feed): title = 'Latest %s Blog Posts' % settings.SITE_NAME link = '/' description = 'The latest blog posts from the %s' % settings.SITE_LONG_NAME def items(self): return BlogPost.objects.filter(visible=True,'-sticky', '-publish_on') def item_title(self, post): return post.title def item_description(self, post): key = 'blog_feed:%d' % summary = cache.get(key) if summary is None: summary = str(markdown(post.summary or post.content, 'blog')) cache.set(key, summary, 86400) return summary def item_pubdate(self, post): return post.publish_on item_updateddate = item_pubdate class AtomBlogFeed(BlogFeed): feed_type = Atom1Feed subtitle = BlogFeed.description