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You will have to start a new one.') }}'); }); $('.first-join').click(function () { return confirm('{{ _('Are you sure you want to join?') }}\n' + '{{ _('Joining a contest starts your timer, after which it becomes unstoppable.') }}'); }); var url = '{{ url('contest_participation', contest.key, '__username__') }}'; var placeholder = $('#search-contest').replaceWith($('<select>').attr({ id: 'search-contest' })).attr('placeholder'); $('#search-contest').select2({ placeholder: placeholder, ajax: { url: '{{ url('contest_user_search_select2_ajax', contest.key) }}' }, minimumInputLength: 1, escapeMarkup: function (markup) { return markup; }, templateResult: function (data, container) { return ('<img class="user-search-image" src="' + data.gravatar_url + '" width="24" height="24">' + '<span class="' + data.display_rank + ' user-search-name">' + data.text + '</span>'); } }).on('change', function () { window.location.href = url.replace('__username__', $(this).val()); }); $('#show-organizations-checkbox').click(function () { $('.organization').toggle(); }); $('#show-fullnames-checkbox').click(function () { $('.fullname').toggle(); }); {% if request.user.is_authenticated %} $('#show-friends-checkbox').click(function() { update_ranking(); }) {% endif %} $('#show-virtual-checkbox').click(function() { update_ranking(); }) $('#show-total-score-checkbox').click(function() { $('.problem-score-col').toggle(); }) highlightFirstSolve(); renew_filter(); get_initial_rank(); {% if participation_tab %} $('#show-virtual-checkbox').hide(); $('#show-virtual-label').hide(); {% else %} {% if request.in_contest %} setInterval(update_ranking, 60 * 1000); {% endif %} {% endif %} }); </script>