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var body = $('#chat-input').val().trim(); var message = { body: body, room: window.room_id, tmp_id: Date.now(), }; $('#chat-input').val(''); $('#chat-input').css('height', '70%'); add_message_from_template(body, message.tmp_id); $.post("{{ url('post_chat_message') }}", message) .fail(function(res) { console.log('Fail to send message'); var $body = $('#message-text-'+ message.tmp_id); $body.css('text-decoration', 'line-through'); $body.css('background', 'red'); }) .done(function(res, status) { $('#empty_msg').hide(); $('#chat-input').focus(); }) } {% endif %} } function resize_emoji(element) { var html = element.html(); html = html.replace(/(\p{Extended_Pictographic})/ug, `<span class="big-emoji">$1</span>`); element.html(html); } function insert_char_after_cursor(elem, char) { var val = elem.value; if (typeof elem.selectionStart == "number" && typeof elem.selectionEnd == "number") { var start = elem.selectionStart; var prefix = elem.value.slice(0, start); var prefix_added = prefix + char; 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refresh_status(true); show_right_panel(); $('#chat-input').focus(); $('#chat-input').val('').trigger('input'); } window.lock_click_space = true; if (encrypted_user) { $.get("{{url('get_or_create_room')}}" + `?other=${encrypted_user}`) .done(function(data) { window.room_id = data.room; window.other_user_id = data.other_user_id; color_selected_room(); callback(); $('#chat-input').attr('maxlength', 5000); }) .fail(function() { console.log('Fail to get_or_create_room'); }) } else { window.room_id = ''; window.other_user_id = ''; color_selected_room(); callback(); $('#chat-input').attr('maxlength', 200); } window.lock_click_space = false; } function register_click_space() { $('.click_space').on('click', function(e) { if ($(this).attr('id') == 'click_space_' + window.other_user_id) { show_right_panel(); return; } var other_user = $(this).attr('value'); load_room(other_user); }); $('#lobby_row').on('click', function(e) { if (window.room_id) { load_room(null); } else { show_right_panel(); } }); 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merge_authors(); window.has_next = parseInt($(".has_next").attr("value")); scrollContainer($('#chat-box'), $('#loader')) {% if request.user.is_staff %} $(document).on("click", ".chat_remove", function() { var elt = $(this); $.ajax({ url: "{{ url('delete_chat_message') }}", type: 'post', data: { message: elt.attr('value'), }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ var $block = elt.parent(); if ($block.parent().find('.body-block').length > 1) { $block.remove(); } else { elt.closest('li').remove(); } }, fail: function(data) { console.log('Fail to delete'); }, }); }); $(document).on("click", ".chat_mute", function() { if (confirm("{{_('Mute this user and delete all messages?')}}")) { var elt = $(this); $.ajax({ url: "{{ url('mute_chat_message') }}", type: 'post', data: { message: elt.attr('value'), }, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ window.location.reload(); }, fail: function(data) { console.log('Fail to delete'); }, }); } }); {% endif %} $("#chat-log").show(); $("#chat-log").change(function() { $('#chat-log').scrollTop($('#chat-log')[0].scrollHeight); 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