{% extends "common-content.html" %} {% block content_media %} {% include "comments/media-css.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block content_js_media %} {% include "comments/media-js.html" %} {% if request.in_contest_mode %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block title_row %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %} {% if problem.id in completed_problem_ids %} {% if problem.is_public or request.in_contest_mode %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% elif problem.id in attempted_problems %} {% if problem.is_public or request.in_contest_mode %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ title }}

{% if problem.is_organization_private %} {% for org in problem.organizations.all() %} {{ org.name }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if has_render %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ _('View as PDF') }}
{% endblock %} {% block info_float %} {% if request.user.is_authenticated and request.in_contest_mode and submission_limit %} {% if submissions_left > 0 %} {{ _('Submit solution') }}
{% trans trimmed counter=submissions_left %} {{ counter }} submission left {% pluralize %} {{ counter }} submissions left {% endtrans %}
{% else %} {{ _('Submit solution') }}
{{ _('0 submissions left') }}
{% endif %} {% else %} {{ _('Submit solution') }} {% endif %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated and has_submissions %}
{{ _('My submissions') }}
{% endif %}
{{ _('All submissions') }}
{{ _('Best submissions') }}
{% if editorial and editorial.is_public and not (request.user.is_authenticated and request.profile.current_contest) %}
{{ _('Read editorial') }}
{% endif %} {% if can_edit_problem %}
{{ _('Manage tickets') }} {% if num_open_tickets %}{{ num_open_tickets }}{% endif %}
{{ _('Edit problem') }}
{% if not problem.is_manually_managed %}
{{ _('Edit test data') }}
{% endif %} {% elif request.user.is_authenticated and has_tickets %}
{{ _('My tickets') }} {% if num_open_tickets %}{{ num_open_tickets }}{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if problem.is_subs_manageable_by(request.user) %}
{{ _('Manage submissions') }}
{% endif %} {% if perms.judge.clone_problem %}
{{ _('Clone problem') }}
{% endif %}
{{ _('Points:') }} {% if contest_problem %} {{ contest_problem.points }}{% if contest_problem.partial %} {{ _('(partial)') }}{% endif %} {% else %} {{ problem.points|floatformat }}{% if problem.partial %} {{ _('(partial)') }}{% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ _('Time limit:') }} {{ problem.time_limit }}s
{% for name, limit in problem.language_time_limit %}
{{ name }} {{ limit }}s
{% endfor %}
{{ _('Memory limit:') }} {{ problem.memory_limit|kbsimpleformat }}
{% for name, limit in problem.language_memory_limit %}
{{ name }} {{ limit|kbsimpleformat }}
{% endfor %}

{% cache 86400 'problem_authors' problem.id LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% with authors=problem.authors.all() %} {% if authors %}
{% trans trimmed count=authors|length %} Author: {% pluralize count %} Authors: {% endtrans %}
{{ link_users(authors) }}
{% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endcache %} {% if not contest_problem or not contest_problem.contest.hide_problem_tags %}
{% with types=problem.types_list %}
{% trans trimmed count=problem.types_list|length %} Problem type {% pluralize count %} Problem types {% endtrans %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %} {% if show_languages %}
{{ _('Allowed languages') }}
{% with usable=problem.usable_common_names, langs=problem.languages_list() %} {% for lang in langs %} {%- if lang in usable -%} {{ lang }} {%- else -%} {{ lang }} {%- endif -%} {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%} {% endfor %} {% endwith %}
{% endif %} {% if problem.is_editable_by(request.user) %}
{% trans trimmed count=available_judges|length %} Judge: {% pluralize count %} Judges: {% endtrans %}
{% if available_judges %} {% if perms.judge.change_judge %} {% for judge in available_judges %} {{ judge.name }} {%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {{ available_judges|join(", ") }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ _('none available') }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block description %} {% if can_vote and not vote %} {% include 'problem/voting-form.html' %} {% endif %} {% if contest_problem and contest_problem.contest.use_clarifications and has_clarifications %}
{% trans trimmed length=clarifications|length %} This problem has {{length}} clarification(s) {% endtrans %}
{% endif %} {% cache 86400 'problem_html' problem.id MATH_ENGINE LANGUAGE_CODE %} {{ description|markdown("problem", MATH_ENGINE)|reference|str|safe }} {% endcache %} {% with license=problem.license %} {% if license %} {{ license.display or license.name }} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %} {% block post_description_end %} {% if can_vote or request.user.is_superuser %} {% include 'problem/voting-controls.html' %} {% endif %} {% if request.user.is_authenticated and not request.profile.mute %} {%- if contest_problem and contest_problem.contest.use_clarifications and request.profile.current_contest.live -%} {{ _('Request clarification') }} {%- else -%} {{ _('Report an issue') }} {%- endif -%} {% endif %} {% if not (contest_problem and contest_problem.contest.use_clarifications) %}
{% if has_comments %} {{_('View comments')}} ({{comment_list.count()}}) {% else %} {{_('Be the first to comment')}} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block comments %} {% if contest_problem and contest_problem.contest.use_clarifications %}

{{ _('Clarifications') }}

{% if has_clarifications %} {% for clarification in clarifications %}
{{ relative_time(clarification.date) }}
{{ clarification.description|markdown('problem', MATH_ENGINE)|reference }}
{% endfor %} {% else %}

{{ _('No clarifications have been made at this time.') }}

{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% include "comments/list.html" %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block bodyend %} {{ super() }} {% include "comments/math.html" %} {% endblock %}