{{ make_tab_item('detail', 'fa fa-info-circle', url('contest_view', contest.key), _('Info')) }} {% if contest.ended or can_edit %} {{ make_tab_item('stats', 'fa fa-pie-chart', url('contest_stats', contest.key), _('Statistics')) }} {% endif %} {% if contest.start_time <= now or perms.judge.see_private_contest %} {% if contest.can_see_own_scoreboard(request.user) %} {{ make_tab_item('ranking', 'fa fa-bar-chart', url('contest_ranking', contest.key), _('Rankings')) }} {% if request.user.is_authenticated %} {{ make_tab_item('participation', 'fa fa-users', url('contest_participation_own', contest.key), _('Participation')) }} {% endif %} {% else %} {{ make_tab_item('ranking', 'fa fa-bar-chart', None, _('Hidden Rankings')) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if request.user.is_superuser and can_use_resolver %} {{ make_tab_item('resolver', 'fa fa-check', url('resolver', contest.key), _('Resolver')) }} {{ make_tab_item('final_ranking', 'fa fa-bar-chart', url('contest_final_ranking', contest.key), _('Final rankings')) }} {% endif %} {% if can_edit %} {% if perms.judge.moss_contest and has_moss_api_key %} {{ make_tab_item('moss', 'fa fa-gavel', url('contest_moss', contest.key), _('MOSS')) }} {% endif %} {{ make_tab_item('edit', 'fa fa-edit', url('admin:judge_contest_change', contest.id), _('Edit')) }} {% endif %} {% if perms.judge.clone_contest %} {{ make_tab_item('clone', 'fa fa-copy', url('contest_clone', contest.key), _('Clone')) }} {% endif %}