258 lines
8.2 KiB
258 lines
8.2 KiB
from collections import defaultdict
from math import e
import os, zipfile
from datetime import datetime
import random
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db.models import Case, Count, ExpressionWrapper, F, Max, Q, When
from django.db.models.fields import FloatField
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _, gettext_noop
from judge.models import Problem, Submission
from judge.ml.collab_filter import CollabFilter
__all__ = [
def user_authored_ids(profile):
result = set(Problem.objects.filter(authors=profile).values_list("id", flat=True))
return result
def user_editable_ids(profile):
result = set(
| Problem.objects.filter(curators=profile)
).values_list("id", flat=True)
return result
def contest_completed_ids(participation):
key = "contest_complete:%d" % participation.id
result = cache.get(key)
if result is None:
result = set(
submission__result="AC", points=F("problem__points")
.values_list("problem__problem__id", flat=True)
cache.set(key, result, 86400)
return result
def user_completed_ids(profile):
key = "user_complete:%d" % profile.id
result = cache.get(key)
if result is None:
result = set(
user=profile, result="AC", points=F("problem__points")
.values_list("problem_id", flat=True)
cache.set(key, result, 86400)
return result
def contest_attempted_ids(participation):
key = "contest_attempted:%s" % participation.id
result = cache.get(key)
if result is None:
result = {
id: {"achieved_points": points, "max_points": max_points}
for id, max_points, points in (
"problem__problem__id", "problem__points"
cache.set(key, result, 86400)
return result
def user_attempted_ids(profile):
key = "user_attempted:%s" % profile.id
result = cache.get(key)
if result is None:
result = {
id: {
"achieved_points": points,
"max_points": max_points,
"last_submission": last_submission,
"code": problem_code,
"name": problem_name,
for id, max_points, problem_code, problem_name, points, last_submission in (
"problem__id", "problem__points", "problem__code", "problem__name"
.annotate(points=Max("points"), last_submission=Max("id"))
cache.set(key, result, 86400)
return result
def _get_result_data(results):
return {
"categories": [
# Using gettext_noop here since this will be tacked into the cache, so it must be language neutral.
# The caller, SubmissionList.get_result_data will run ugettext on the name.
{"code": "AC", "name": gettext_noop("Accepted"), "count": results["AC"]},
{"code": "WA", "name": gettext_noop("Wrong"), "count": results["WA"]},
"code": "CE",
"name": gettext_noop("Compile Error"),
"count": results["CE"],
{"code": "TLE", "name": gettext_noop("Timeout"), "count": results["TLE"]},
"code": "ERR",
"name": gettext_noop("Error"),
"count": results["MLE"]
+ results["OLE"]
+ results["IR"]
+ results["RTE"]
+ results["AB"]
+ results["IE"],
"total": sum(results.values()),
def get_result_data(*args, **kwargs):
if args:
submissions = args[0]
if kwargs:
raise ValueError(_("Can't pass both queryset and keyword filters"))
submissions = (
if kwargs is not None
else Submission.objects
raw = (
.values_list("result", "count")
return _get_result_data(defaultdict(int, raw))
def editable_problems(user, profile=None):
subquery = Problem.objects.all()
if profile is None:
profile = user.profile
if not user.has_perm("judge.edit_all_problem"):
subfilter = Q(authors__id=profile.id) | Q(curators__id=profile.id)
if user.has_perm("judge.edit_public_problem"):
subfilter |= Q(is_public=True)
subquery = subquery.filter(subfilter)
return subquery
def hot_problems(duration, limit):
cache_key = "hot_problems:%d:%d" % (duration.total_seconds(), limit)
qs = cache.get(cache_key)
if qs is None:
qs = Problem.get_public_problems().filter(
submission__date__gt=timezone.now() - duration
qs0 = (
qs.annotate(k=Count("submission__user", distinct=True))
.values_list("k", flat=True)
if not qs0:
return []
# make this an aggregate
mx = float(qs0[0])
qs = qs.annotate(unique_user_count=Count("submission__user", distinct=True))
# fix braindamage in excluding CE
qs = qs.annotate(
When(submission__result="AC", then=1),
When(submission__result="WA", then=1),
When(submission__result="IR", then=1),
When(submission__result="RTE", then=1),
When(submission__result="TLE", then=1),
When(submission__result="OLE", then=1),
qs = qs.annotate(
When(submission__result="AC", then=1),
qs = qs.filter(unique_user_count__gt=max(mx / 3.0, 1))
qs = (
* F("points")
* (
0.4 * F("ac_volume") / F("submission_volume")
+ 0.6 * F("ac_rate")
+ 100 * e ** (F("unique_user_count") / mx),
cache.set(cache_key, qs, 900)
return qs
def get_related_problems(profile, problem, limit=8):
if not profile or not settings.ML_OUTPUT_PATH:
return None
cache_key = "related_problems:%d:%d" % (profile.id, problem.id)
qs = cache.get(cache_key)
if qs is not None:
return qs
problemset = Problem.get_visible_problems(profile.user).values_list("id", flat=True)
problemset = problemset.exclude(id__in=user_completed_ids(profile))
problemset = problemset.exclude(id=problem.id)
cf_model = CollabFilter("collab_filter")
results = cf_model.problem_neighbors(
problem, problemset, CollabFilter.DOT, limit
) + cf_model.problem_neighbors(problem, problemset, CollabFilter.COSINE, limit)
results = list(set([i[1] for i in results]))
seed = datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%Y")
results = results[:limit]
results = [Problem.objects.get(id=i) for i in results]
cache.set(cache_key, results, 21600)
return results