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synced 2025-03-26 06:14:13 +00:00
101 lines
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101 lines
4.2 KiB
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"
import "./style.css"
import { LuGitFork, LuGlobe } from "react-icons/lu"
* @param param0
* @returns
export function Card({ title, description, image,alt, Badges, svn_link, is_fork} : {
title: string ,
description: string,
image?: string,
alt?: string,
Badges?: any,
svn_link: string,
is_fork: Boolean
}) {
return <div style={{ background: "var(--surface0)"}}className="shadow-xl card md:w-80">
{image ?
<figure><img src={image} alt={alt || "No Alt"} /></figure>: null}
<div className="card-body">
<h2 className="text-center card-title text-highlight">{is_fork ? <LuGitFork /> : null}
<a href={svn_link}>{title}</a>
{/* <div className="badge badge-secondary">NEW</div> */}
<div className="justify-end card-actions">
{/* <div className="badge badge-outline">Fashion</div>
<div className="badge badge-outline">Products</div> */}
{Badges ? Badges : ""}
// oh boy i cannot WAIT for myself to add projects in via git
export default function Projects() {
// most projects should be loaded via github
// otherwise they will all be concacted with the github.json file
const [githubData, setGithubData] = useState ([])
const [translateY, setTranslateY] = useState(0)
const fetchData = () => {
return Promise.all([fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/NeonGamerBot-QK/repos?per_page=100`)
.then((response) => response.json()),fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/NeonGamerBot-QK/repos?per_page=100?page=2`)
.then((response) => response.json())])
.then((data) =>
if(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") console.log(data[0], data[1])
const idsThatAreFound:any = {}
const items = [...data[0], ...data[1]]
.filter(e => e.topics.includes('github-include-on-site'))
.filter(function(item, pos, self) {
if(idsThatAreFound[item.id]) return false;
idsThatAreFound[item.id] = true
return true;
if(process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") console.log(items)
useEffect (() => {
}, [])
return <>
<div className="min-h-screen hero">
<div className="flex-col text-center duration-1000 hero-content lg:flex-row" style={{ transform: `translateY(${translateY}%)`}}>
{/* <img src="https://img.daisyui.com/images/stock/photo-1635805737707-575885ab0820.jpg" className="max-w-sm rounded-lg shadow-2xl" /> */}
<h1 className="text-5xl font-bold text-highlight lg:mt-20">Projects</h1>
{/* <p className="py-6">Provident cupiditate voluptatem et in. Quaerat fugiat ut assumenda excepturi exercitationem quasi. In deleniti eaque aut repudiandae et a id nisi.</p>
<button className="btn btn-primary">Get Started</button> */}
<div className="flex grid grid-cols-2 gap-2 mt-5 text-center duration-1000 md:gap-6" style={{ transform: `translateY(${-translateY}%)` }}>
{githubData.length > 0 ? githubData.map((d: any) => {
return <Card title={d.name} description={d.description} key={d.id} svn_link={d.html_url} is_fork={d.fork}Badges={<>
<div className="inline-flex">
<a target="_blank" href={d.html_url + '/fork'} style={{ background: "var(--mantle)", borderRadius: "50%" }} className="rounded-full btn btn-change mauve"><LuGitFork /></a>
{d.homepage ?
<a target="_blank" href={d.homepage} style={{ background: "var(--mantle)", borderRadius: "50%" }} className="rounded-full btn btn-change mauve"><LuGlobe /></a>
: null}
<div className="hidden grid-cols-3 max-w-60 lg:inline-flex" >
{d.topics.filter((e:string) => !e.includes('github-include-on-site')).map((topic:string,i:number) => {
return <div className="truncate badge badge-outline" key={i}><span className="truncate">{topic}</span></div>
}) : <div>
<span className="loading loading-bars loading-lg mauve font-5xl"></span>
} |