
46 lines
55 KiB

import Icon from '../static/Icons'
export default function InfogramBelowMain () {
return <div className='mt-20 ml-20 container'>
<h1 className='ml-25 font-bold text-3xl'>
Some basic stuff about <span className='text-highlight'>me</span>
I started programming during the Covid Pandemic in 2020.
<br />
<br />I am fluent in new like programming languages such as
<b className='text-highlight'>
{' '}
<Icon icon='css' /> CSS , <Icon icon='html' /> HTML, <Icon icon='javascript' />Javascript and <Icon icon='typescript' />Typescript.{' '}
<br />
<br /> My field of Interest's are building new &nbsp;
<b className='text-highlight '>
Web Technologies and Products{' '}
</b>{' '}
and also in areas related to{' '}
<b className='text-highlight '>
Backend Services, CLI Services
<br />
<br />
Whenever possible, I also apply my passion for developing products
with <b className='text-highlight '><Icon icon='nodejs' /> Node.js</b> and
<b className='text-highlight '>
{' '}
Modern Javascript Library and Frameworks
&nbsp; like
<b className='text-highlight '> <Icon icon='reactjs' />React.js</b>
<br />