+- [ ] Maybe symlink your music to a music folder in your home directory or something (i.e. `~/Music -> /mnt/world/music` or perhaps a subdirectory of that?)
[x] Get PulseAudio sound controls on polybar to work
[x] Add desktop switching to windows (context menu?)
[x] Decide on an icon theme (flat-remix-icon-theme or pantheon.elementary-icon-theme?)
[x] Use XDG???
[x] Add Mousepad (xfce) maybe
[x] Consider using flakes
[x] Use just?
[x] Figure out e16...not even sure if managing your themes the way you currently are is even slightly ideal...
[x] See if you can use nixpkgs vscode extensions with codium
[x] Get language servers to work with Neovim
[x] Add polybar root filesystem usage module??
[x] Give yambar a try ;w;
[x] Fix yambar being offset on your screen for some reason (might have to file an issue on its repo)
[x] rmpc isnt working WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa ive been working on this for a month i just wanna be done so i can lie down and cuddle girls and be happy forever................