{ pkgs, ... }: { # I'm not sure if you actually need stuff like GTK4 to be # in here when it's really only used with nix-shell and the # amount of time it saves during installation is probably # only like a few seconds environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # development (fenix.default.withComponents [ "cargo" "rustc" ]) gcc git godot_4 gtk4 just meson nodejs_23 pkg-config pnpm vala ## language servers mesonlsp # Meson nil # Nix rust-analyzer # Rust vala-language-server # Vala # games prismlauncher steam-run uxn # graphics flameshot gimp imagemagick krita maim # gtk posy-cursors pantheon.elementary-gtk-theme # internet nicotine-plus vesktop yt-dlp # system tools bat btop dconf-editor ffmpeg gparted home-manager hyfetch kitty monitor wine xclip zellij # text editors neovim vscodium # audio alsa-utils audacity mpc pavucontrol playerctl unstable.rmpc sunvox # X11 hsetroot nitrogen polybarFull rofi xcompmgr xdotool xorg.xev xorg.xwininfo yambar # misc catppuccin-sddm nmap ]; }