{ pkgs, ... }: { programs.yambar = { enable = true; settings = { bar = { location = "top"; height = 18; background = "00000088"; font = "GohuFont:style=Regular:pixelsize=11"; margin = 16; spacing = 3; left = [ { # https://codeberg.org/dnkl/yambar/issues/53#issuecomment-264088 script = { path = "${pkgs.playerctl}/bin/playerctl"; args = [ "--follow" "metadata" "--format" '' status|string|{{status}} artist|string|{{artist}} title|string|{{title}} '' ]; content.map.conditions = { "status == Playing && artist != \"\"" = { string.text = "{artist} - {title}"; }; "status == Playing && artist == \"\"" = { string.text = "{title}"; }; "status != Playing" = { string.text = "god's in his heaven | all's right with the world"; }; }; }; } ]; right = [ { battery = { name = "BAT0"; content.map.conditions."state != unknown".string.text = "bat {capacity}% |"; }; } { pipewire = { content.map.conditions."type == sink".string = { text = "vol {cubic_volume}% |"; on-click = { left = "pavucontrol"; wheel-up = "amixer sset Master 1%+"; wheel-down = "amixer sset Master 1%-"; }; }; }; } { cpu = { poll-interval = 2000; content.map.conditions."id < 0".string.text = "cpu {cpu}%"; }; } { mem = { poll-interval = 2000; content.string.text = "ram {percent_used}% |"; }; } { clock = { date-format = "%d %b %y"; time-format = "%I:%M %p"; content.string.text = "{date} {time}"; }; } ]; }; }; }; }