[x] Get PulseAudio sound controls on polybar to work [x] Add desktop switching to windows (context menu?) [x] Decide on an icon theme (flat-remix-icon-theme or pantheon.elementary-icon-theme?) [x] Use XDG??? [x] Add Mousepad (xfce) maybe [ ] Make setting your wallpaper like. Global across everything because you | do it with hsetroot on Openbox startup but not anywhere else (minus | changing it with dconf) +- [ ] Stylix may help with this [ ] Replace absolute paths (i.e. in openbox autostart file) with substituted paths generated by Nix (see substituteAllInPlace) [x] Consider using flakes [x] Use just? [ ] Are you managing package overlays properly (check home.nix FIXME and https://nixos-and-flakes.thiscute.world/nixpkgs/overlays) +- [x] Just put it in your base.nix config and see if it comes across to home | manager or if you have to import it into both +- [ ] https://github.com/notusknot/dotfiles-nix/blob/a034dcb6daff31ce50cdbc74a5972b1ef56ef3d7/overlays/apple-color-emoji.nix [ ] Use pass ? (See also https://elvishjerricco.github.io/2018/06/24/secure-declarative-key-management.html) [x] Figure out e16...not even sure if managing your themes the way you currently are is even slightly ideal... [ ] You could try making a GTK4 application that lets you manage/view packages in packages.nix [ ] Get Rust to work (rustc + cargo is fine but only rustup provides RLS, but, um,) +- [ ] vimPlugins.coc-rls +- [x] Get rust-analyzer binaries from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer +- [ ] rust-analyzer doesn't fucking work (and you should probably use mkShell for this) [x] See if you can use nixpkgs vscode extensions with codium [ ] Get language servers to work with Neovim [ ] Theme your SDDM (you should make one yourself ;w;;;) [ ] Maybe convert some of your configuration files and themes into derivations [ ] Add polybar root filesystem usage module?? [ ] Test out bluetooth (https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Bluetooth)