extends site.pug block head link(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/dashboard.css") style | #content { margin-left: 256px; } block page #sidebar h1 Profile form#dashboard-profile(action=`/users/${user.name}/edit`, method="post") textarea(placeholder="bio (max 1024 chars)", maxlength="1024", name="bio", rows=5)= user.bio input(type="url", name="website", placeholder="website", value=user.website) button(type="submit") Edit h1(style="margin-top:1em;") Mood history ul#dashboard-mood-history for mood of moodHistory li strong= mood.mood | | #{mood.date} block content if user.moderator details(style="margin-bottom:1em;") summary Moderation p If you're seeing this, you are part of the exclusive club of moderators! You are now entitled to pizza for the rest of your life! And the ability to ban people and create new moods! For FREE! form#dashboard-update-form(action="/update/mood", method="post", onsubmit="disable(this);") select(name="mood", required) //- Maybe put the index of the mood in the value of the option element //- so that indexOf (slow) wont have to be used everytime mood is updated for mood of moodsSorted option= mood textarea(name="desc", placeholder="mood description (max 512 chars)", rows="5", maxlength="512") button(type="submit") Update h1(style="margin-top:0.5em;") Feed include _feed.pug +feed(recentUpdates) script(nonce=nonce). function disable(form) { const btn = form.querySelector("button"); btn.setAttribute("disabled", true); setTimeout(() => { btn.removeAttribute("disabled"); }, 3000) }