extends site.pug block head style | #content { margin-left: 256px; } block page #sidebar h1 MiPilin p(style="margin-top:0;") | Thx for being a part of the MiPilin beta! if session.loggedIn | | If you want to change your mood, update your profile, and see how your friends are doing, visit | a(href="/dashboard") the dashboard | ! if session.loggedIn p | You can record your daily thoughts and feelings, public or private, at your | a(href="/journal/") personal journal | . p strong #{users} | | registered users h2 Recent updates ul(style="list-style:none;padding-inline-start:0;") for update of recentUpdates li a(href=`/users/${update.user}`)= update.user block content p | Hi, this is MiPilin! It lets you tell your friends how you're feeling, as well as keep a journal of your current mood and their trends over time! Due respect goes to imood, from which I borrowed many ideas and basically all of the moods. h1 Global Feed p Look at how all these people are doing!!! include _feed.pug +feed(feedUpdates)