extends site.pug include _util.pug block content h1 Admin Panel p Don't Be Evil h2 Users table tbody tr th UID th Name th Status for user of userTable tr td!= user.id.toString() td a(href=`/users/${user.uname}`)= user.uname td= user.status.toString(2).padStart(4, "0") h2 Invite codes p Well Rae. You've made quite a The Closed Beta. form(action="/codes/delete", method="post") table tbody tr th Token th Expires th Creator for code of codes - const timestamp = code.expires.getTime() tr td= code.token +invite_code_expiration(code) td a(href=`/users/${code.uname}`)= code.uname td button(type="submit", name="token", value=code.token) Delete form(action="/mod/codes/prune", method="post") button(type="submit") Prune br form(action="/codes/create", method="post") input(type="datetime-local", name="expiration") button(type="submit") Create