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* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
#ifndef __RTL8188E_DM_H__
#define __RTL8188E_DM_H__
//###### duplicate code,will move to ODM #########
#define IQK_MAC_REG_NUM 4
#define IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM 16
#define IQK_BB_REG_NUM 9
#define HP_THERMAL_NUM 8
//###### duplicate code,will move to ODM #########
struct dm_priv
u8 DM_Type;
u8 DMFlag;
u8 InitDMFlag;
u32 InitODMFlag;
//* Upper and Lower Signal threshold for Rate Adaptive*/
int UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
int UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
int EntryMinUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
int EntryMaxUndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
int MinUndecoratedPWDBForDM;
int LastMinUndecoratedPWDBForDM;
//###### duplicate code,will move to ODM #########
//for DIG
u8 bDMInitialGainEnable;
u8 binitialized; // for dm_initial_gain_Multi_STA use.
DIG_T DM_DigTable;
PS_T DM_PSTable;
//for rate adaptive, in fact, 88c/92c fw will handle this
u8 bUseRAMask;
//for High Power
u8 bDynamicTxPowerEnable;
u8 LastDTPLvl;
u8 DynamicTxHighPowerLvl;//Add by Jacken Tx Power Control for Near/Far Range 2008/03/06
u8 PowerIndex_backup[6];
#if 0
//for tx power tracking
u8 bTXPowerTracking;
u8 TXPowercount;
u8 bTXPowerTrackingInit;
u8 TxPowerTrackControl; //for mp mode, turn off txpwrtracking as default
u8 TM_Trigger;
u8 ThermalMeter[2]; // ThermalMeter, index 0 for RFIC0, and 1 for RFIC1
u8 ThermalValue;
u8 ThermalValue_LCK;
u8 ThermalValue_IQK;
u8 ThermalValue_DPK;
u8 bRfPiEnable;
//for APK
u32 APKoutput[2][2]; //path A/B; output1_1a/output1_2a
u8 bAPKdone;
u8 bAPKThermalMeterIgnore;
u8 bDPdone;
u8 bDPPathAOK;
u8 bDPPathBOK;
//for IQK
u32 RegC04;
u32 Reg874;
u32 RegC08;
u32 RegB68;
u32 RegB6C;
u32 Reg870;
u32 Reg860;
u32 Reg864;
u32 ADDA_backup[IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM];
u32 IQK_MAC_backup[IQK_MAC_REG_NUM];
u32 IQK_BB_backup_recover[9];
u32 IQK_BB_backup[IQK_BB_REG_NUM];
u8 bCCKinCH14;
u8 CCK_index;
u8 OFDM_index[2];
u8 bDoneTxpower;
u8 CCK_index_HP;
u8 OFDM_index_HP[2];
u8 ThermalValue_HP[HP_THERMAL_NUM];
u8 ThermalValue_HP_index;
//for TxPwrTracking
s32 RegE94;
s32 RegE9C;
s32 RegEB4;
s32 RegEBC;
u32 TXPowerTrackingCallbackCnt; //cosa add for debug
u32 prv_traffic_idx; // edca turbo
// for dm_RF_Saving
u8 initialize;
u32 rf_saving_Reg874;
u32 rf_saving_RegC70;
u32 rf_saving_Reg85C;
u32 rf_saving_RegA74;
//for Antenna diversity
// SWAT_T DM_SWAT_Table;
// _timer SwAntennaSwitchTimer;
u64 lastTxOkCnt;
u64 lastRxOkCnt;
u64 TXByteCnt_A;
u64 TXByteCnt_B;
u64 RXByteCnt_A;
u64 RXByteCnt_B;
u8 DoubleComfirm;
u8 TrafficLoad;
s32 OFDM_Pkt_Cnt;
u8 RSSI_Select;
// u8 DIG_Dynamic_MIN ;
//###### duplicate code,will move to ODM #########
// Add for Reading Initial Data Rate SEL Register 0x484 during watchdog. Using for fill tx desc. 2011.3.21 by Thomas
//u8 INIDATA_RATE[32];
void rtl8188e_init_dm_priv(IN PADAPTER Adapter);
void rtl8188e_deinit_dm_priv(IN PADAPTER Adapter);
void rtl8188e_InitHalDm(IN PADAPTER Adapter);
void rtl8188e_HalDmWatchDog(IN PADAPTER Adapter);
//VOID rtl8192c_dm_CheckTXPowerTracking(IN PADAPTER Adapter);
//void rtl8192c_dm_RF_Saving(IN PADAPTER pAdapter, IN u8 bForceInNormal);
void AntDivCompare8188E(PADAPTER Adapter, WLAN_BSSID_EX *dst, WLAN_BSSID_EX *src);
u8 AntDivBeforeLink8188E(PADAPTER Adapter );