/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __INC_HAL8188EPHYCFG_H__ #define __INC_HAL8188EPHYCFG_H__ /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ #define LOOP_LIMIT 5 #define MAX_STALL_TIME 50 /* us */ #define AntennaDiversityValue 0x80 /* Adapter->bSoftwareAntennaDiversity ? 0x00:0x80) */ #define MAX_TXPWR_IDX_NMODE_92S 63 #define Reset_Cnt_Limit 3 #define IQK_MAC_REG_NUM 4 #define IQK_ADDA_REG_NUM 16 #define IQK_BB_REG_NUM 9 #define HP_THERMAL_NUM 8 #define MAX_AGGR_NUM 0x07 /*--------------------------Define Parameters-------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ typedef enum _SwChnlCmdID{ CmdID_End, CmdID_SetTxPowerLevel, CmdID_BBRegWrite10, CmdID_WritePortUlong, CmdID_WritePortUshort, CmdID_WritePortUchar, CmdID_RF_WriteReg, }SwChnlCmdID; /* 1. Switch channel related */ typedef struct _SwChnlCmd{ SwChnlCmdID CmdID; u32 Para1; u32 Para2; u32 msDelay; }SwChnlCmd; typedef enum _HW90_BLOCK{ HW90_BLOCK_MAC = 0, HW90_BLOCK_PHY0 = 1, HW90_BLOCK_PHY1 = 2, HW90_BLOCK_RF = 3, HW90_BLOCK_MAXIMUM = 4, /* Never use this */ }HW90_BLOCK_E, *PHW90_BLOCK_E; enum rf_radio_path { RF_PATH_A = 0, /* Radio Path A */ RF_PATH_B = 1, /* Radio Path B */ RF_PATH_C = 2, /* Radio Path C */ RF_PATH_D = 3, /* Radio Path D */ }; #define MAX_PG_GROUP 13 #define RF_PATH_MAX 2 #define MAX_RF_PATH RF_PATH_MAX #define MAX_TX_COUNT_88E 1 #define MAX_TX_COUNT MAX_TX_COUNT_88E /* 4 path numbers */ #define CHANNEL_MAX_NUMBER 14 /* 14 is the max channel number */ #define MAX_CHNL_GROUP_24G 6 /* ch1~2, ch3~5, ch6~8,ch9~11,ch12~13,CH 14 total six groups */ #define CHANNEL_GROUP_MAX_88E 6 typedef enum _WIRELESS_MODE { WIRELESS_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0x00, WIRELESS_MODE_A = BIT2, WIRELESS_MODE_B = BIT0, WIRELESS_MODE_G = BIT1, WIRELESS_MODE_AUTO = BIT5, WIRELESS_MODE_N_24G = BIT3, WIRELESS_MODE_N_5G = BIT4, WIRELESS_MODE_AC = BIT6 } WIRELESS_MODE; typedef enum _PHY_Rate_Tx_Power_Offset_Area{ RA_OFFSET_LEGACY_OFDM1, RA_OFFSET_LEGACY_OFDM2, RA_OFFSET_HT_OFDM1, RA_OFFSET_HT_OFDM2, RA_OFFSET_HT_OFDM3, RA_OFFSET_HT_OFDM4, RA_OFFSET_HT_CCK, }RA_OFFSET_AREA,*PRA_OFFSET_AREA; /* BB/RF related */ typedef enum _RF_TYPE_8190P{ RF_TYPE_MIN, /* 0 */ RF_8225=1, /* 1 11b/g RF for verification only */ RF_8256=2, /* 2 11b/g/n */ RF_8258=3, /* 3 11a/b/g/n RF */ RF_6052=4, /* 4 11b/g/n RF */ /* TODO: We sholud remove this psudo PHY RF after we get new RF. */ RF_PSEUDO_11N=5, /* 5, It is a temporality RF. */ }RF_TYPE_8190P_E,*PRF_TYPE_8190P_E; typedef struct _BB_REGISTER_DEFINITION{ u32 rfintfs; /* set software control: */ /* 0x870~0x877[8 bytes] */ u32 rfintfi; /* readback data: */ /* 0x8e0~0x8e7[8 bytes] */ u32 rfintfo; /* output data: */ /* 0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfintfe; /* output enable: */ /* 0x860~0x86f [16 bytes] */ u32 rf3wireOffset; /* LSSI data: */ /* 0x840~0x84f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfLSSI_Select; /* BB Band Select: */ /* 0x878~0x87f [8 bytes] */ u32 rfTxGainStage; /* Tx gain stage: */ /* 0x80c~0x80f [4 bytes] */ u32 rfHSSIPara1; /* wire parameter control1 : */ /* 0x820~0x823,0x828~0x82b, 0x830~0x833, 0x838~0x83b [16 bytes] */ u32 rfHSSIPara2; /* wire parameter control2 : */ /* 0x824~0x827,0x82c~0x82f, 0x834~0x837, 0x83c~0x83f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfSwitchControl; /* Tx Rx antenna control : */ /* 0x858~0x85f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfAGCControl1; /* AGC parameter control1 : */ /* 0xc50~0xc53,0xc58~0xc5b, 0xc60~0xc63, 0xc68~0xc6b [16 bytes] */ u32 rfAGCControl2; /* AGC parameter control2 : */ /* 0xc54~0xc57,0xc5c~0xc5f, 0xc64~0xc67, 0xc6c~0xc6f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfRxIQImbalance; /* OFDM Rx IQ imbalance matrix : */ /* 0xc14~0xc17,0xc1c~0xc1f, 0xc24~0xc27, 0xc2c~0xc2f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfRxAFE; /* Rx IQ DC ofset and Rx digital filter, Rx DC notch filter : */ /* 0xc10~0xc13,0xc18~0xc1b, 0xc20~0xc23, 0xc28~0xc2b [16 bytes] */ u32 rfTxIQImbalance; /* OFDM Tx IQ imbalance matrix */ /* 0xc80~0xc83,0xc88~0xc8b, 0xc90~0xc93, 0xc98~0xc9b [16 bytes] */ u32 rfTxAFE; /* Tx IQ DC Offset and Tx DFIR type */ /* 0xc84~0xc87,0xc8c~0xc8f, 0xc94~0xc97, 0xc9c~0xc9f [16 bytes] */ u32 rfLSSIReadBack; /* LSSI RF readback data SI mode */ /* 0x8a0~0x8af [16 bytes] */ u32 rfLSSIReadBackPi; /* LSSI RF readback data PI mode 0x8b8-8bc for Path A and B */ }BB_REGISTER_DEFINITION_T, *PBB_REGISTER_DEFINITION_T; typedef struct _R_ANTENNA_SELECT_OFDM{ u32 r_tx_antenna:4; u32 r_ant_l:4; u32 r_ant_non_ht:4; u32 r_ant_ht1:4; u32 r_ant_ht2:4; u32 r_ant_ht_s1:4; u32 r_ant_non_ht_s1:4; u32 OFDM_TXSC:2; u32 Reserved:2; }R_ANTENNA_SELECT_OFDM; typedef struct _R_ANTENNA_SELECT_CCK{ u8 r_cckrx_enable_2:2; u8 r_cckrx_enable:2; u8 r_ccktx_enable:4; }R_ANTENNA_SELECT_CCK; /*------------------------------Define structure----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export global variable----------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/ /*------------------------Export Marco Definition---------------------------*/ /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ /* */ /* BB and RF register read/write */ /* */ u32 rtl8188e_PHY_QueryBBReg( struct adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask ); void rtl8188e_PHY_SetBBReg( struct adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data ); u32 rtl8188e_PHY_QueryRFReg( struct adapter * Adapter, enum rf_radio_path eRFPath, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask ); void rtl8188e_PHY_SetRFReg( struct adapter * Adapter, enum rf_radio_path eRFPath, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data ); /* */ /* Initialization related function */ /* */ /* MAC/BB/RF HAL config */ int PHY_MACConfig8188E(struct adapter *Adapter ); int PHY_BBConfig8188E(struct adapter *Adapter ); int PHY_RFConfig8188E(struct adapter *Adapter ); /* RF config */ int rtl8188e_PHY_ConfigRFWithParaFile(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 * pFileName, enum rf_radio_path eRFPath); int rtl8188e_PHY_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(struct adapter *Adapter, enum rf_radio_path eRFPath); /* Read initi reg value for tx power setting. */ void rtl8192c_PHY_GetHWRegOriginalValue(struct adapter * Adapter ); /* */ /* BB TX Power R/W */ /* */ void PHY_GetTxPowerLevel8188E(struct adapter *Adapter, u32 *powerlevel); void PHY_SetTxPowerLevel8188E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 channel); bool PHY_UpdateTxPowerDbm8188E(struct adapter *Adapter, int powerInDbm); /* */ void PHY_ScanOperationBackup8188E(struct adapter *Adapter, u8 Operation); /* */ /* Switch bandwidth for 8192S */ /* */ void PHY_SetBWMode8188E(struct adapter *pAdapter, enum HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH ChnlWidth, unsigned char Offset); /* */ /* Set A2 entry to fw for 8192S */ /* */ extern void FillA2Entry8192C( struct adapter * Adapter, u8 index, u8* val); /* */ /* channel switch related funciton */ /* */ void PHY_SwChnl8188E( struct adapter * pAdapter, u8 channel ); /* Call after initialization */ void PHY_SwChnlPhy8192C( struct adapter * pAdapter, u8 channel ); void ChkFwCmdIoDone( struct adapter *Adapter); /* */ /* BB/MAC/RF other monitor API */ /* */ void PHY_SetMonitorMode8192C(struct adapter *pAdapter, bool bEnableMonitorMode ); bool PHY_CheckIsLegalRfPath8192C(struct adapter *pAdapter, u32 eRFPath ); void PHY_SetRFPathSwitch_8188E(struct adapter *pAdapter, bool bMain); extern void PHY_SwitchEphyParameter( struct adapter * Adapter ); extern void PHY_EnableHostClkReq( struct adapter * Adapter ); bool SetAntennaConfig92C( struct adapter *Adapter, u8 DefaultAnt ); void storePwrIndexDiffRateOffset( struct adapter *Adapter, u32 RegAddr, u32 BitMask, u32 Data ); /*--------------------------Exported Function prototype---------------------*/ #define PHY_QueryBBReg(Adapter, RegAddr, BitMask) rtl8188e_PHY_QueryBBReg((Adapter), (RegAddr), (BitMask)) #define PHY_SetBBReg(Adapter, RegAddr, BitMask, Data) rtl8188e_PHY_SetBBReg((Adapter), (RegAddr), (BitMask), (Data)) #define PHY_QueryRFReg(Adapter, eRFPath, RegAddr, BitMask) rtl8188e_PHY_QueryRFReg((Adapter), (eRFPath), (RegAddr), (BitMask)) #define PHY_SetRFReg(Adapter, eRFPath, RegAddr, BitMask, Data) rtl8188e_PHY_SetRFReg((Adapter), (eRFPath), (RegAddr), (BitMask), (Data)) #define PHY_SetMacReg PHY_SetBBReg #define PHY_QueryMacReg PHY_QueryBBReg /* */ #define SIC_ENABLE 0 #define SIC_HW_SUPPORT 0 /* */ #define SIC_MAX_POLL_CNT 5 #if (SIC_HW_SUPPORT == 1) #define SIC_CMD_READY 0 #define SIC_CMD_PREWRITE 0x1 #define SIC_CMD_WRITE 0x40 #define SIC_CMD_PREREAD 0x2 #define SIC_CMD_READ 0x80 #define SIC_CMD_INIT 0xf0 #define SIC_INIT_VAL 0xff #define SIC_INIT_REG 0x1b7 #define SIC_CMD_REG 0x1EB /* 1byte */ #define SIC_ADDR_REG 0x1E8 /* 1b4~1b5, 2 bytes */ #define SIC_DATA_REG 0x1EC /* 1b0~1b3 */ #else #define SIC_CMD_READY 0 #define SIC_CMD_WRITE 1 #define SIC_CMD_READ 2 #define SIC_CMD_REG 0x1EB /* 1byte */ #define SIC_ADDR_REG 0x1E8 /* 1b9~1ba, 2 bytes */ #define SIC_DATA_REG 0x1EC /* 1bc~1bf */ #endif #if (SIC_ENABLE == 1) void SIC_Init(IN struct adapter *Adapter); #endif #endif /* __INC_HAL8192CPHYCFG_H */