mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 19:32:07 +00:00
This driver was added to the kernel with version 3.12. The changes in that version are now brought back to the GitHub repo. Essentually all of the code is updated. Signed-off-by: Larry Finger <Larry.Finger@lwfinger.net>
596 lines
19 KiB
596 lines
19 KiB
* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
/* include files */
#include "odm_precomp.h"
#define READ_AND_CONFIG_MP(ic, txt) (ODM_ReadAndConfig##txt##ic(dm_odm))
#define READ_AND_CONFIG_TC(ic, txt) (ODM_ReadAndConfig_TC##txt##ic(dm_odm))
static u8 odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(s8 AntPower)
if ((AntPower <= -100) || (AntPower >= 20))
return 0;
else if (AntPower >= 0)
return 100;
return 100+AntPower;
/* 2012/01/12 MH MOve some signal strength smooth method to MP HAL layer. */
/* IF other SW team do not support the feature, remove this section.?? */
static s32 odm_sig_patch_lenove(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, s32 CurrSig)
return 0;
static s32 odm_sig_patch_netcore(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, s32 CurrSig)
return 0;
static s32 odm_SignalScaleMapping_92CSeries(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, s32 CurrSig)
s32 RetSig = 0;
if ((dm_odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_USB) ||
(dm_odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_SDIO)) {
if (CurrSig >= 51 && CurrSig <= 100)
RetSig = 100;
else if (CurrSig >= 41 && CurrSig <= 50)
RetSig = 80 + ((CurrSig - 40)*2);
else if (CurrSig >= 31 && CurrSig <= 40)
RetSig = 66 + (CurrSig - 30);
else if (CurrSig >= 21 && CurrSig <= 30)
RetSig = 54 + (CurrSig - 20);
else if (CurrSig >= 10 && CurrSig <= 20)
RetSig = 42 + (((CurrSig - 10) * 2) / 3);
else if (CurrSig >= 5 && CurrSig <= 9)
RetSig = 22 + (((CurrSig - 5) * 3) / 2);
else if (CurrSig >= 1 && CurrSig <= 4)
RetSig = 6 + (((CurrSig - 1) * 3) / 2);
RetSig = CurrSig;
return RetSig;
static s32 odm_SignalScaleMapping(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, s32 CurrSig)
if ((dm_odm->SupportPlatform == ODM_MP) &&
(dm_odm->SupportInterface != ODM_ITRF_PCIE) && /* USB & SDIO */
(dm_odm->PatchID == 10))
return odm_sig_patch_netcore(dm_odm, CurrSig);
else if ((dm_odm->SupportPlatform == ODM_MP) &&
(dm_odm->SupportInterface == ODM_ITRF_PCIE) &&
(dm_odm->PatchID == 19))
return odm_sig_patch_lenove(dm_odm, CurrSig);
return odm_SignalScaleMapping_92CSeries(dm_odm, CurrSig);
/* pMgntInfo->CustomerID == RT_CID_819x_Lenovo */
static u8 odm_SQ_process_patch_RT_CID_819x_Lenovo(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
u8 isCCKrate, u8 PWDB_ALL, u8 path, u8 RSSI)
return 0;
static u8 odm_EVMdbToPercentage(s8 Value)
/* -33dB~0dB to 0%~99% */
s8 ret_val;
ret_val = Value;
if (ret_val >= 0)
ret_val = 0;
if (ret_val <= -33)
ret_val = -33;
ret_val = 0 - ret_val;
ret_val *= 3;
if (ret_val == 99)
ret_val = 100;
return ret_val;
static void odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_status_info *pPhyInfo,
u8 *pPhyStatus,
struct odm_per_pkt_info *pPktinfo)
struct sw_ant_switch *pDM_SWAT_Table = &dm_odm->DM_SWAT_Table;
u8 i, Max_spatial_stream;
s8 rx_pwr[4], rx_pwr_all = 0;
u8 RSSI, total_rssi = 0;
u8 isCCKrate = 0;
u8 rf_rx_num = 0;
u8 cck_highpwr = 0;
u8 LNA_idx, VGA_idx;
struct phy_status_rpt *pPhyStaRpt = (struct phy_status_rpt *)pPhyStatus;
isCCKrate = ((pPktinfo->Rate >= DESC92C_RATE1M) && (pPktinfo->Rate <= DESC92C_RATE11M)) ? true : false;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = -1;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
if (isCCKrate) {
u8 report;
u8 cck_agc_rpt;
/* (1)Hardware does not provide RSSI for CCK */
/* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB cacluated by hardware (for rate adaptive) */
cck_highpwr = dm_odm->bCckHighPower;
cck_agc_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_agc_rpt_ofdm_cfosho_a ;
/* 2011.11.28 LukeLee: 88E use different LNA & VGA gain table */
/* The RSSI formula should be modified according to the gain table */
/* In 88E, cck_highpwr is always set to 1 */
if (dm_odm->SupportICType & (ODM_RTL8188E|ODM_RTL8812)) {
LNA_idx = ((cck_agc_rpt & 0xE0) >> 5);
VGA_idx = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x1F);
switch (LNA_idx) {
case 7:
if (VGA_idx <= 27)
rx_pwr_all = -100 + 2*(27-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 27~2 */
rx_pwr_all = -100;
case 6:
rx_pwr_all = -48 + 2*(2-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 2~0 */
case 5:
rx_pwr_all = -42 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~5 */
case 4:
rx_pwr_all = -36 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~4 */
case 3:
rx_pwr_all = -24 + 2*(7-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 7~0 */
case 2:
if (cck_highpwr)
rx_pwr_all = -12 + 2*(5-VGA_idx); /* VGA_idx = 5~0 */
rx_pwr_all = -6 + 2*(5-VGA_idx);
case 1:
rx_pwr_all = 8-2*VGA_idx;
case 0:
rx_pwr_all = 14-2*VGA_idx;
rx_pwr_all += 6;
PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
if (!cck_highpwr) {
if (PWDB_ALL >= 80)
PWDB_ALL = ((PWDB_ALL-80)<<1)+((PWDB_ALL-80)>>1)+80;
else if ((PWDB_ALL <= 78) && (PWDB_ALL >= 20))
PWDB_ALL += 3;
if (PWDB_ALL > 100)
PWDB_ALL = 100;
} else {
if (!cck_highpwr) {
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0xc0)>>6;
switch (report) {
/* 03312009 modified by cosa */
/* Modify the RF RNA gain value to -40, -20, -2, 14 by Jenyu's suggestion */
/* Note: different RF with the different RNA gain. */
case 0x3:
rx_pwr_all = -46 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
case 0x2:
rx_pwr_all = -26 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
case 0x1:
rx_pwr_all = -12 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
case 0x0:
rx_pwr_all = 16 - (cck_agc_rpt & 0x3e);
} else {
report = (cck_agc_rpt & 0x60)>>5;
switch (report) {
case 0x3:
rx_pwr_all = -46 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1) ;
case 0x2:
rx_pwr_all = -26 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
case 0x1:
rx_pwr_all = -12 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
case 0x0:
rx_pwr_all = 16 - ((cck_agc_rpt & 0x1f)<<1);
PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
/* Modification for ext-LNA board */
if (dm_odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) {
if ((cck_agc_rpt>>7) == 0) {
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL > 94) ? 100 : (PWDB_ALL+6);
} else {
if (PWDB_ALL > 38)
PWDB_ALL -= 16;
PWDB_ALL = (PWDB_ALL <= 16) ? (PWDB_ALL>>2) : (PWDB_ALL-12);
/* CCK modification */
if (PWDB_ALL > 25 && PWDB_ALL <= 60)
PWDB_ALL += 6;
} else {/* Modification for int-LNA board */
if (PWDB_ALL > 99)
PWDB_ALL -= 8;
else if (PWDB_ALL > 50 && PWDB_ALL <= 68)
PWDB_ALL += 4;
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->BTRxRSSIPercentage = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->RecvSignalPower = rx_pwr_all;
/* (3) Get Signal Quality (EVM) */
if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) {
u8 SQ, SQ_rpt;
if ((dm_odm->SupportPlatform == ODM_MP) && (dm_odm->PatchID == 19)) {
SQ = odm_SQ_process_patch_RT_CID_819x_Lenovo(dm_odm, isCCKrate, PWDB_ALL, 0, 0);
} else if (pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll > 40 && !dm_odm->bInHctTest) {
SQ = 100;
} else {
SQ_rpt = pPhyStaRpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all;
if (SQ_rpt > 64)
SQ = 0;
else if (SQ_rpt < 20)
SQ = 100;
SQ = ((64-SQ_rpt) * 100) / 44;
pPhyInfo->SignalQuality = SQ;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[ODM_RF_PATH_A] = SQ;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[ODM_RF_PATH_B] = -1;
} else { /* is OFDM rate */
/* (1)Get RSSI for HT rate */
for (i = ODM_RF_PATH_A; i < ODM_RF_PATH_MAX; i++) {
/* 2008/01/30 MH we will judge RF RX path now. */
if (dm_odm->RFPathRxEnable & BIT(i))
rx_pwr[i] = ((pPhyStaRpt->path_agc[i].gain & 0x3F)*2) - 110;
pPhyInfo->RxPwr[i] = rx_pwr[i];
/* Translate DBM to percentage. */
RSSI = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr[i]);
total_rssi += RSSI;
/* Modification for ext-LNA board */
if (dm_odm->BoardType == ODM_BOARD_HIGHPWR) {
if ((pPhyStaRpt->path_agc[i].trsw) == 1)
RSSI = (RSSI > 94) ? 100 : (RSSI + 6);
RSSI = (RSSI <= 16) ? (RSSI >> 3) : (RSSI - 16);
if ((RSSI <= 34) && (RSSI >= 4))
RSSI -= 4;
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[i] = (u8)RSSI;
/* Get Rx snr value in DB */
pPhyInfo->RxSNR[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
dm_odm->PhyDbgInfo.RxSNRdB[i] = (s32)(pPhyStaRpt->path_rxsnr[i]/2);
/* Record Signal Strength for next packet */
if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) {
if ((dm_odm->SupportPlatform == ODM_MP) && (dm_odm->PatchID == 19)) {
if (i == ODM_RF_PATH_A)
pPhyInfo->SignalQuality = odm_SQ_process_patch_RT_CID_819x_Lenovo(dm_odm, isCCKrate, PWDB_ALL, i, RSSI);
/* (2)PWDB, Average PWDB cacluated by hardware (for rate adaptive) */
rx_pwr_all = (((pPhyStaRpt->cck_sig_qual_ofdm_pwdb_all) >> 1) & 0x7f) - 110;
PWDB_ALL = odm_QueryRxPwrPercentage(rx_pwr_all);
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll = PWDB_ALL;
pPhyInfo->BTRxRSSIPercentage = PWDB_ALL_BT;
pPhyInfo->RxPower = rx_pwr_all;
pPhyInfo->RecvSignalPower = rx_pwr_all;
if ((dm_odm->SupportPlatform == ODM_MP) && (dm_odm->PatchID == 19)) {
/* do nothing */
} else {
/* (3)EVM of HT rate */
if (pPktinfo->Rate >= DESC92C_RATEMCS8 && pPktinfo->Rate <= DESC92C_RATEMCS15)
Max_spatial_stream = 2; /* both spatial stream make sense */
Max_spatial_stream = 1; /* only spatial stream 1 makes sense */
for (i = 0; i < Max_spatial_stream; i++) {
/* Do not use shift operation like "rx_evmX >>= 1" because the compilor of free build environment */
/* fill most significant bit to "zero" when doing shifting operation which may change a negative */
/* value to positive one, then the dbm value (which is supposed to be negative) is not correct anymore. */
EVM = odm_EVMdbToPercentage((pPhyStaRpt->stream_rxevm[i])); /* dbm */
if (pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID) {
if (i == ODM_RF_PATH_A) /* Fill value in RFD, Get the first spatial stream only */
pPhyInfo->SignalQuality = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalQuality[i] = (u8)(EVM & 0xff);
/* UI BSS List signal strength(in percentage), make it good looking, from 0~100. */
/* It is assigned to the BSS List in GetValueFromBeaconOrProbeRsp(). */
if (isCCKrate) {
pPhyInfo->SignalStrength = (u8)(odm_SignalScaleMapping(dm_odm, PWDB_ALL));/* PWDB_ALL; */
} else {
if (rf_rx_num != 0)
pPhyInfo->SignalStrength = (u8)(odm_SignalScaleMapping(dm_odm, total_rssi /= rf_rx_num));
/* For 92C/92D HW (Hybrid) Antenna Diversity */
pDM_SWAT_Table->antsel = pPhyStaRpt->ant_sel;
/* For 88E HW Antenna Diversity */
dm_odm->DM_FatTable.antsel_rx_keep_0 = pPhyStaRpt->ant_sel;
dm_odm->DM_FatTable.antsel_rx_keep_1 = pPhyStaRpt->ant_sel_b;
dm_odm->DM_FatTable.antsel_rx_keep_2 = pPhyStaRpt->antsel_rx_keep_2;
void odm_Init_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
static void odm_Process_RSSIForDM(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_status_info *pPhyInfo,
struct odm_per_pkt_info *pPktinfo)
s32 UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB, UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
s32 UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM, RSSI_Ave;
u8 isCCKrate = 0;
u8 RSSI_max, RSSI_min, i;
u32 OFDM_pkt = 0;
u32 Weighting = 0;
struct sta_info *pEntry;
if (pPktinfo->StationID == 0xFF)
pEntry = dm_odm->pODM_StaInfo[pPktinfo->StationID];
if (!IS_STA_VALID(pEntry))
if ((!pPktinfo->bPacketMatchBSSID))
isCCKrate = ((pPktinfo->Rate >= DESC92C_RATE1M) && (pPktinfo->Rate <= DESC92C_RATE11M)) ? true : false;
/* Smart Antenna Debug Message------------------ */
if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
u8 antsel_tr_mux;
struct fast_ant_train *pDM_FatTable = &dm_odm->DM_FatTable;
if (dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_SMART_ANTDIV) {
if (pDM_FatTable->FAT_State == FAT_TRAINING_STATE) {
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf) {
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) |
pDM_FatTable->antSumRSSI[antsel_tr_mux] += pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
} else if ((dm_odm->AntDivType == CG_TRX_HW_ANTDIV) || (dm_odm->AntDivType == CGCS_RX_HW_ANTDIV)) {
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon) {
antsel_tr_mux = (pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_2<<2) |
(pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_1<<1) | pDM_FatTable->antsel_rx_keep_0;
ODM_AntselStatistics_88E(dm_odm, antsel_tr_mux, pPktinfo->StationID, pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll);
/* Smart Antenna Debug Message------------------ */
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM = pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM;
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon) {
if (!isCCKrate) { /* ofdm rate */
if (pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_B] == 0) {
RSSI_Ave = pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_A];
} else {
if (pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_A] > pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_B]) {
RSSI_max = pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_A];
RSSI_min = pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_B];
} else {
RSSI_max = pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_B];
RSSI_min = pPhyInfo->RxMIMOSignalStrength[ODM_RF_PATH_A];
if ((RSSI_max - RSSI_min) < 3)
RSSI_Ave = RSSI_max;
else if ((RSSI_max - RSSI_min) < 6)
RSSI_Ave = RSSI_max - 1;
else if ((RSSI_max - RSSI_min) < 10)
RSSI_Ave = RSSI_max - 2;
RSSI_Ave = RSSI_max - 3;
/* 1 Process OFDM RSSI */
if (UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM <= 0) { /* initialize */
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM = pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
} else {
if (pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll > (u32)UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM) {
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM =
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM)*(Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
(RSSI_Ave)) / (Rx_Smooth_Factor);
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM = UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM + 1;
} else {
UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM =
(((UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM)*(Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
(RSSI_Ave)) / (Rx_Smooth_Factor);
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = (pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap<<1) | BIT0;
} else {
RSSI_Ave = pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
/* 1 Process CCK RSSI */
if (UndecoratedSmoothedCCK <= 0) { /* initialize */
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll;
} else {
if (pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll > (u32)UndecoratedSmoothedCCK) {
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK =
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll) / Rx_Smooth_Factor;
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = UndecoratedSmoothedCCK + 1;
} else {
UndecoratedSmoothedCCK =
((UndecoratedSmoothedCCK * (Rx_Smooth_Factor-1)) +
pPhyInfo->RxPWDBAll) / Rx_Smooth_Factor;
pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap = pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap<<1;
/* 2011.07.28 LukeLee: modified to prevent unstable CCK RSSI */
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit >= 64)
pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit = 64;
for (i = 0; i < pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit; i++)
OFDM_pkt += (u8)(pEntry->rssi_stat.PacketMap>>i)&BIT0;
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit == 64) {
Weighting = ((OFDM_pkt<<4) > 64) ? 64 : (OFDM_pkt<<4);
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (Weighting*UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM+(64-Weighting)*UndecoratedSmoothedCCK)>>6;
} else {
if (pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit != 0)
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = (OFDM_pkt * UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM +
(pEntry->rssi_stat.ValidBit-OFDM_pkt) *
UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = 0;
pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedCCK = UndecoratedSmoothedCCK;
pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM = UndecoratedSmoothedOFDM;
pEntry->rssi_stat.UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB = UndecoratedSmoothedPWDB;
/* Endianness before calling this API */
static void ODM_PhyStatusQuery_92CSeries(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_status_info *pPhyInfo,
u8 *pPhyStatus,
struct odm_per_pkt_info *pPktinfo)
odm_RxPhyStatus92CSeries_Parsing(dm_odm, pPhyInfo, pPhyStatus,
if (dm_odm->RSSI_test) {
/* Select the packets to do RSSI checking for antenna switching. */
if (pPktinfo->bPacketToSelf || pPktinfo->bPacketBeacon)
ODM_SwAntDivChkPerPktRssi(dm_odm, pPktinfo->StationID, pPhyInfo);
} else {
odm_Process_RSSIForDM(dm_odm, pPhyInfo, pPktinfo);
void ODM_PhyStatusQuery(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
struct odm_phy_status_info *pPhyInfo,
u8 *pPhyStatus, struct odm_per_pkt_info *pPktinfo)
ODM_PhyStatusQuery_92CSeries(dm_odm, pPhyInfo, pPhyStatus, pPktinfo);
/* For future use. */
void ODM_MacStatusQuery(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm, u8 *mac_stat,
u8 macid, bool pkt_match_bssid,
bool pkttoself, bool pkt_beacon)
/* 2011/10/19 Driver team will handle in the future. */
enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum ODM_RF_RADIO_PATH content,
enum ODM_RF_RADIO_PATH rfpath)
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, ("===>ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile\n"));
if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
if (rfpath == ODM_RF_PATH_A)
READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _RadioA_1T_);
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_A:Rtl8188ERadioA_1TArray\n"));
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_LOUD, (" ===> ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile() Radio_B:Rtl8188ERadioB_1TArray\n"));
ODM_RT_TRACE(dm_odm, ODM_COMP_INIT, ODM_DBG_TRACE, ("ODM_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile: Radio No %x\n", rfpath));
enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm,
enum odm_bb_config_type config_tp)
if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E) {
if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG) {
} else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_AGC_TAB) {
} else if (config_tp == CONFIG_BB_PHY_REG_PG) {
(" ===> phy_ConfigBBWithHeaderFile() agc:Rtl8188EPHY_REG_PGArray\n"));
enum HAL_STATUS ODM_ConfigMACWithHeaderFile(struct odm_dm_struct *dm_odm)
if (dm_odm->SupportICType == ODM_RTL8188E)
result = READ_AND_CONFIG(8188E, _MAC_REG_);
return result;