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* Copyright(c) 2007 - 2011 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
#define _RTL8188E_MP_C_
#include <drv_types.h>
#include <rtw_mp.h>
#include <rtl8188e_hal.h>
#include <rtl8188e_dm.h>
s32 Hal_SetPowerTracking(PADAPTER padapter, u8 enable)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
PDM_ODM_T pDM_Odm = &(pHalData->odmpriv);
if (!netif_running(padapter->pnetdev)) {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_warning_, ("SetPowerTracking! Fail: interface not opened!\n"));
return _FAIL;
if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_MP_STATE) == false) {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_warning_, ("SetPowerTracking! Fail: not in MP mode!\n"));
return _FAIL;
if (enable)
pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bTXPowerTracking = true;
pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bTXPowerTrackingInit= false;
return _SUCCESS;
void Hal_GetPowerTracking(PADAPTER padapter, u8 *enable)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
PDM_ODM_T pDM_Odm = &(pHalData->odmpriv);
*enable = pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.TxPowerTrackControl;
static void Hal_disable_dm(PADAPTER padapter)
u8 v8;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
PDM_ODM_T pDM_Odm = &(pHalData->odmpriv);
/* 3 1. disable firmware dynamic mechanism */
/* disable Power Training, Rate Adaptive */
v8 = rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL);
rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, v8);
/* 3 2. disable driver dynamic mechanism */
/* disable Dynamic Initial Gain */
/* disable High Power */
/* disable Power Tracking */
Switch_DM_Func(padapter, DYNAMIC_FUNC_DISABLE, false);
/* enable APK, LCK and IQK but disable power tracking */
pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.TxPowerTrackControl = false;
Switch_DM_Func(padapter, DYNAMIC_FUNC_DISABLE, true);
* Function: mpt_SwitchRfSetting
* Overview: Change RF Setting when we siwthc channel/rate/BW for MP.
* Input: PADAPTER pAdapter
* Output: NONE
* Return: NONE
* Revised History:
* When Who Remark
* 01/08/2009 MHC Suggestion from SD3 Willis for 92S series.
* 01/09/2009 MHC Add CCK modification for 40MHZ. Suggestion from SD3.
void Hal_mpt_SwitchRfSetting(PADAPTER pAdapter)
/* HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter); */
struct mp_priv *pmp = &pAdapter->mppriv;
u1Byte ChannelToSw = pmp->channel;
ULONG ulRateIdx = pmp->rateidx;
ULONG ulbandwidth = pmp->bandwidth;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
/* <20120525, Kordan> Dynamic mechanism for APK, asked by Dennis. */
pmp->MptCtx.backup0x52_RF_A = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);
pmp->MptCtx.backup0x52_RF_B = (u1Byte)PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_B, RF_0x52, 0x000F0);
PHY_SetRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_0x52, 0x000F0, 0xD);
PHY_SetRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_B, RF_0x52, 0x000F0, 0xD);
return ;
void Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(PADAPTER Adapter, bool bInCH14)
u32 TempVal = 0, TempVal2 = 0, TempVal3 = 0;
u32 CurrCCKSwingVal = 0, CCKSwingIndex = 12;
u8 i;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(Adapter);
/* get current cck swing value and check 0xa22 & 0xa23 later to match the table. */
CurrCCKSwingVal = read_bbreg(Adapter, rCCK0_TxFilter1, bMaskHWord);
if (!bInCH14)
/* Readback the current bb cck swing value and compare with the table to */
/* get the current swing index */
for (i = 0; i < CCK_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff00)>>8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][1]))
CCKSwingIndex = i;
/* Write 0xa22 0xa23 */
TempVal = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][0] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][1]<<8) ;
/* Write 0xa24 ~ 0xa27 */
TempVal2 = 0;
TempVal2 = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][2] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][3]<<8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][4]<<16 )+
/* Write 0xa28 0xa29 */
TempVal3 = 0;
TempVal3 = CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][6] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCKSwingIndex][7]<<8) ;
for (i = 0; i < CCK_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
if (((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][0]) &&
(((CurrCCKSwingVal&0xff00)>>8) == (u32)CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][1]))
CCKSwingIndex = i;
/* Write 0xa22 0xa23 */
TempVal = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][0] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][1]<<8) ;
/* Write 0xa24 ~ 0xa27 */
TempVal2 = 0;
TempVal2 = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][2] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][3]<<8) +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][4]<<16 )+
/* Write 0xa28 0xa29 */
TempVal3 = 0;
TempVal3 = CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][6] +
(CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCKSwingIndex][7]<<8) ;
write_bbreg(Adapter, rCCK0_TxFilter1, bMaskHWord, TempVal);
write_bbreg(Adapter, rCCK0_TxFilter2, bMaskDWord, TempVal2);
write_bbreg(Adapter, rCCK0_DebugPort, bMaskLWord, TempVal3);
void Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(PADAPTER pAdapter, bool beven)
s32 TempCCk;
u8 CCK_index, CCK_index_old;
u8 Action = 0; /* 0: no action, 1: even->odd, 2:odd->even */
u8 TimeOut = 100;
s32 i = 0;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
PMPT_CONTEXT pMptCtx = &pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx;
struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
PDM_ODM_T pDM_Odm = &(pHalData->odmpriv);
if (!IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID))
if (beven && !pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven) /* odd->even */
Action = 2;
pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven = true;
else if (!beven && pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven) /* even->odd */
Action = 1;
pMptCtx->bMptIndexEven = false;
if (Action != 0)
/* Query CCK default setting From 0xa24 */
TempCCk = read_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_TxFilter2, bMaskDWord) & bMaskCCK;
for (i = 0; i < CCK_TABLE_SIZE; i++)
if (pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14)
if (_rtw_memcmp((void*)&TempCCk, (void*)&CCKSwingTable_Ch14[i][2], 4) == true)
CCK_index_old = (u8) i;
if (_rtw_memcmp((void*)&TempCCk, (void*)&CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[i][2], 4) == true)
CCK_index_old = (u8) i;
if (Action == 1)
CCK_index = CCK_index_old - 1;
CCK_index = CCK_index_old + 1;
/* Adjust CCK according to gain index */
if (!pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14) {
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa22, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][0]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa23, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][1]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa24, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][2]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa25, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][3]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa26, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][4]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa27, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][5]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa28, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][6]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa29, CCKSwingTable_Ch1_Ch13[CCK_index][7]);
} else {
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa22, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][0]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa23, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][1]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa24, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][2]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa25, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][3]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa26, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][4]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa27, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][5]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa28, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][6]);
rtw_write8(pAdapter, 0xa29, CCKSwingTable_Ch14[CCK_index][7]);
* SetChannel
* Description
* Use H2C command to change channel,
* not only modify rf register, but also other setting need to be done.
void Hal_SetChannel(PADAPTER pAdapter)
u8 eRFPath;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
struct mp_priv *pmp = &pAdapter->mppriv;
struct dm_priv *pdmpriv = &pHalData->dmpriv;
PDM_ODM_T pDM_Odm = &(pHalData->odmpriv);
u8 channel = pmp->channel;
u8 bandwidth = pmp->bandwidth;
u8 rate = pmp->rateidx;
/* set RF channel register */
for (eRFPath = 0; eRFPath < pHalData->NumTotalRFPath; eRFPath++)
if (IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8192D(pAdapter))
_write_rfreg(pAdapter, (RF_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, ODM_CHANNEL, 0xFF, channel);
_write_rfreg(pAdapter, eRFPath, ODM_CHANNEL, 0x3FF, channel);
SelectChannel(pAdapter, channel);
if (pHalData->CurrentChannel == 14 && !pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14) {
pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14 = true;
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(pAdapter, pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14);
else if (pHalData->CurrentChannel != 14 && pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14) {
pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14 = false;
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjust(pAdapter, pDM_Odm->RFCalibrateInfo.bCCKinCH14);
* Notice
* Switch bandwitdth may change center frequency(channel)
void Hal_SetBandwidth(PADAPTER pAdapter)
struct mp_priv *pmp = &pAdapter->mppriv;
SetBWMode(pAdapter, pmp->bandwidth, pmp->prime_channel_offset);
void Hal_SetCCKTxPower(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 *TxPower)
u32 tmpval = 0;
/* rf-A cck tx power */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_CCK1_Mcs32, bMaskByte1, TxPower[RF_PATH_A]);
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_A]<<16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_A]<<8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_A];
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, 0xffffff00, tmpval);
/* rf-B cck tx power */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK11_A_CCK2_11, bMaskByte0, TxPower[RF_PATH_B]);
tmpval = (TxPower[RF_PATH_B]<<16) | (TxPower[RF_PATH_B]<<8) | TxPower[RF_PATH_B];
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_CCK1_55_Mcs32, 0xffffff00, tmpval);
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_notice_,
("-SetCCKTxPower: A[0x%02x] B[0x%02x]\n",
TxPower[RF_PATH_A], TxPower[RF_PATH_B]));
void Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 *TxPower)
u32 TxAGC = 0;
u8 tmpval = 0;
PMPT_CONTEXT pMptCtx = &pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx;
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
/* HT Tx-rf(A) */
tmpval = TxPower[RF_PATH_A];
TxAGC = (tmpval<<24) | (tmpval<<16) | (tmpval<<8) | tmpval;
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Rate18_06, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Rate54_24, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Mcs03_Mcs00, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Mcs07_Mcs04, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Mcs11_Mcs08, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_A_Mcs15_Mcs12, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
/* HT Tx-rf(B) */
tmpval = TxPower[RF_PATH_B];
TxAGC = (tmpval<<24) | (tmpval<<16) | (tmpval<<8) | tmpval;
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Rate18_06, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Rate54_24, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Mcs03_Mcs00, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Mcs07_Mcs04, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Mcs11_Mcs08, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rTxAGC_B_Mcs15_Mcs12, bMaskDWord, TxAGC);
void Hal_SetAntennaPathPower(PADAPTER pAdapter)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
u8 TxPowerLevel[MAX_RF_PATH_NUMS];
u8 rfPath;
TxPowerLevel[RF_PATH_A] = pAdapter->mppriv.txpoweridx;
TxPowerLevel[RF_PATH_B] = pAdapter->mppriv.txpoweridx_b;
switch (pAdapter->mppriv.antenna_tx)
rfPath = RF_PATH_A;
rfPath = RF_PATH_B;
rfPath = RF_PATH_C;
switch (pHalData->rf_chip)
case RF_8225:
case RF_8256:
case RF_6052:
Hal_SetCCKTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx < MPT_RATE_6M) /* CCK rate */
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath]%2 == 0);
Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
void Hal_SetTxPower(PADAPTER pAdapter)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
u8 TxPower = pAdapter->mppriv.txpoweridx;
u8 TxPowerLevel[MAX_RF_PATH_NUMS];
u8 rf, rfPath;
for (rf = 0; rf < MAX_RF_PATH_NUMS; rf++) {
TxPowerLevel[rf] = TxPower;
switch (pAdapter->mppriv.antenna_tx)
rfPath = RF_PATH_A;
rfPath = RF_PATH_B;
rfPath = RF_PATH_C;
switch (pHalData->rf_chip)
/* 2008/09/12 MH Test only !! We enable the TX power tracking for MP!!!!! */
/* We should call normal driver API later!! */
case RF_8225:
case RF_8256:
case RF_6052:
Hal_SetCCKTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx < MPT_RATE_6M) /* CCK rate */
Hal_MPT_CCKTxPowerAdjustbyIndex(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel[rfPath]%2 == 0);
Hal_SetOFDMTxPower(pAdapter, TxPowerLevel);
void Hal_SetDataRate(PADAPTER pAdapter)
void Hal_SetAntenna(PADAPTER pAdapter)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
R_ANTENNA_SELECT_OFDM *p_ofdm_tx; /* OFDM Tx register */
u8 r_rx_antenna_ofdm = 0, r_ant_select_cck_val = 0;
u8 chgTx = 0, chgRx = 0;
u32 r_ant_sel_cck_val = 0, r_ant_select_ofdm_val = 0, r_ofdm_tx_en_val = 0;
p_ofdm_tx = (R_ANTENNA_SELECT_OFDM *)&r_ant_select_ofdm_val;
p_cck_txrx = (R_ANTENNA_SELECT_CCK *)&r_ant_select_cck_val;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_ht1 = 0x1;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_ht2 = 0x2; /* Second TX RF path is A */
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_non_ht = 0x3; /* 0x1+0x2=0x3 */
switch (pAdapter->mppriv.antenna_tx)
p_ofdm_tx->r_tx_antenna = 0x1;
r_ofdm_tx_en_val = 0x1;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_l = 0x1;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_ht_s1 = 0x1;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_non_ht_s1 = 0x1;
p_cck_txrx->r_ccktx_enable = 0x8;
chgTx = 1;
/* From SD3 Willis suggestion !!! Set RF A=TX and B as standby */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 2);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 1);
r_ofdm_tx_en_val = 0x3;
/* Power save */
/* cosa r_ant_select_ofdm_val = 0x11111111; */
/* We need to close RFB by SW control */
if (pHalData->rf_type == RF_2T2R)
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT10, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT26, 1);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_RFInterfaceOE, BIT10, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT1, 1);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT17, 0);
p_ofdm_tx->r_tx_antenna = 0x2;
r_ofdm_tx_en_val = 0x2;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_l = 0x2;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_ht_s1 = 0x2;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_non_ht_s1 = 0x2;
p_cck_txrx->r_ccktx_enable = 0x4;
chgTx = 1;
/* From SD3 Willis suggestion !!! Set RF A as standby */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 1);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 2);
/* Power save */
/* cosa r_ant_select_ofdm_val = 0x22222222; */
/* 2008/10/31 MH From SD3 Willi's suggestion. We must read RF 1T table. */
/* 2009/01/08 MH From Sd3 Willis. We need to close RFA by SW control */
if (pHalData->rf_type == RF_2T2R || pHalData->rf_type == RF_1T2R)
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT10, 1);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_RFInterfaceOE, BIT10, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT26, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT1, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT17, 1);
case ANTENNA_AB: /* For 8192S */
p_ofdm_tx->r_tx_antenna = 0x3;
r_ofdm_tx_en_val = 0x3;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_l = 0x3;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_ht_s1 = 0x3;
p_ofdm_tx->r_ant_non_ht_s1 = 0x3;
p_cck_txrx->r_ccktx_enable = 0xC;
chgTx = 1;
/* From SD3 Willis suggestion !!! Set RF B as standby */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 2);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter2, 0xe, 2);
/* Disable Power save */
/* cosa r_ant_select_ofdm_val = 0x3321333; */
/* 2009/01/08 MH From Sd3 Willis. We need to enable RFA/B by SW control */
if (pHalData->rf_type == RF_2T2R)
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT10, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFInterfaceSW, BIT26, 0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT1, 1);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XAB_RFParameter, BIT17, 1);
/* */
/* r_rx_antenna_ofdm, bit0=A, bit1=B, bit2=C, bit3=D */
/* r_cckrx_enable : CCK default, 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D */
/* r_cckrx_enable_2 : CCK option, 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D */
/* */
switch (pAdapter->mppriv.antenna_rx)
r_rx_antenna_ofdm = 0x1; /* A */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable = 0x0; /* default: A */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable_2 = 0x0; /* option: A */
chgRx = 1;
r_rx_antenna_ofdm = 0x2; /* B */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable = 0x1; /* default: B */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable_2 = 0x1; /* option: B */
chgRx = 1;
r_rx_antenna_ofdm = 0x3; /* AB */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable = 0x0; /* default:A */
p_cck_txrx->r_cckrx_enable_2 = 0x1; /* option:B */
chgRx = 1;
if (chgTx && chgRx)
switch (pHalData->rf_chip)
case RF_8225:
case RF_8256:
case RF_6052:
/* r_ant_sel_cck_val = r_ant_select_cck_val; */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA1_TxInfo, 0x7fffffff, r_ant_select_ofdm_val); /* OFDM Tx */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_TxInfo, 0x0000000f, r_ofdm_tx_en_val); /* OFDM Tx */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM0_TRxPathEnable, 0x0000000f, r_rx_antenna_ofdm); /* OFDM Rx */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_TRxPathEnable, 0x0000000f, r_rx_antenna_ofdm); /* OFDM Rx */
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rCCK0_AFESetting, bMaskByte3, r_ant_select_cck_val); /* CCK TxRx */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_notice_, ("-SwitchAntenna: finished\n"));
s32 Hal_SetThermalMeter(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 target_ther)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
if (!netif_running(pAdapter->pnetdev)) {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_warning_, ("SetThermalMeter! Fail: interface not opened!\n"));
return _FAIL;
if (check_fwstate(&pAdapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_MP_STATE) == false) {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_warning_, ("SetThermalMeter: Fail! not in MP mode!\n"));
return _FAIL;
target_ther &= 0xff;
if (target_ther < 0x07)
target_ther = 0x07;
else if (target_ther > 0x1d)
target_ther = 0x1d;
pHalData->EEPROMThermalMeter = target_ther;
return _SUCCESS;
void Hal_TriggerRFThermalMeter(PADAPTER pAdapter)
_write_rfreg( pAdapter, RF_PATH_A , RF_T_METER_88E , BIT17 |BIT16 , 0x03 );
u8 Hal_ReadRFThermalMeter(PADAPTER pAdapter)
u32 ThermalValue = 0;
ThermalValue = _read_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, RF_T_METER_88E, 0xfc00);
return (u8)ThermalValue;
void Hal_GetThermalMeter(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 *value)
*value = Hal_ReadRFThermalMeter(pAdapter);
void Hal_SetSingleCarrierTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bSingleCarrier = bStart;
if (bStart)/* Start Single Carrier. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetSingleCarrierTx: test start\n"));
/* 1. if OFDM block on? */
if (!read_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn))
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn, bEnable);/* set OFDM block on */
/* 2. set CCK test mode off, set to CCK normal mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, bDisable);
/* 3. turn on scramble setting */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, bEnable);
/* 4. Turn On Single Carrier Tx and turn off the other test modes. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bEnable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
/* for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
else/* Stop Single Carrier. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetSingleCarrierTx: test stop\n"));
/* Turn off all test modes. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
/* BB Reset */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x0);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x1);
/* Stop for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
void Hal_SetSingleToneTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
bool is92C = IS_92C_SERIAL(pHalData->VersionID);
u8 rfPath;
u32 reg58 = 0x0;
switch (pAdapter->mppriv.antenna_tx)
rfPath = RF_PATH_A;
rfPath = RF_PATH_B;
rfPath = RF_PATH_C;
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bSingleTone = bStart;
if (bStart)/* Start Single Tone. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetSingleToneTx: test start\n"));
{ /* <20120326, Kordan> To amplify the power of tone for Xtal calibration. (asked by Edlu) */
if (IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8188E(pAdapter))
reg58 = PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, LNA_Low_Gain_3, bRFRegOffsetMask);
reg58 &= 0xFFFFFFF0;
reg58 += 2;
PHY_SetRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, LNA_Low_Gain_3, bRFRegOffsetMask, reg58);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn, 0x0);
PHY_SetBBReg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn, 0x0);
if (is92C)
_write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x21, BIT19, 0x01);
if (rfPath == RF_PATH_A)
write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_B, 0x00, 0x10000); /* PAD all on. */
else if (rfPath == RF_PATH_B)
write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x00, 0x10000); /* PAD all on. */
write_rfreg(pAdapter, rfPath, 0x00, 0x2001f); /* PAD all on. */
write_rfreg(pAdapter, rfPath, 0x21, 0xd4000);
write_rfreg(pAdapter, rfPath, 0x00, 0x2001f); /* PAD all on. */
/* for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
else/* Stop Single Tone. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetSingleToneTx: test stop\n"));
{ /* <20120326, Kordan> To amplify the power of tone for Xtal calibration. (asked by Edlu) */
/* <20120326, Kordan> Only in single tone mode. (asked by Edlu) */
if (IS_HARDWARE_TYPE_8188E(pAdapter))
reg58 = PHY_QueryRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, LNA_Low_Gain_3, bRFRegOffsetMask);
reg58 &= 0xFFFFFFF0;
PHY_SetRFReg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, LNA_Low_Gain_3, bRFRegOffsetMask, reg58);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn, 0x1);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn, 0x1);
if (is92C) {
_write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x21, BIT19, 0x00);
write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_A, 0x00, 0x32d75); /* PAD all on. */
write_rfreg(pAdapter, RF_PATH_B, 0x00, 0x32d75); /* PAD all on. */
} else {
write_rfreg(pAdapter, rfPath, 0x21, 0x54000);
write_rfreg(pAdapter, rfPath, 0x00, 0x30000); /* PAD all on. */
/* Stop for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
void Hal_SetCarrierSuppressionTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bCarrierSuppression = bStart;
if (bStart) /* Start Carrier Suppression. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetCarrierSuppressionTx: test start\n"));
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx <= MPT_RATE_11M)
/* 1. if CCK block on? */
if (!read_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn))
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn, bEnable);/* set CCK block on */
/* Turn Off All Test Mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, 0x2); /* transmit mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, 0x0); /* turn off scramble setting */
/* Set CCK Tx Test Rate */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKTxRate, 0x0); /* Set FTxRate to 1Mbps */
/* for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
else/* Stop Carrier Suppression. */
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_alert_, ("SetCarrierSuppressionTx: test stop\n"));
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx <= MPT_RATE_11M ) {
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, 0x0); /* normal mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, 0x1); /* turn on scramble setting */
/* BB Reset */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x0);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x1);
/* Stop for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
void Hal_SetCCKContinuousTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
u32 cckrate;
if (bStart)
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_alert_,
("SetCCKContinuousTx: test start\n"));
/* 1. if CCK block on? */
if (!read_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn))
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bCCKEn, bEnable);/* set CCK block on */
/* Turn Off All Test Mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
/* Set CCK Tx Test Rate */
cckrate = pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx;
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKTxRate, cckrate);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, 0x2); /* transmit mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, bEnable); /* turn on scramble setting */
/* for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
else {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_info_,
("SetCCKContinuousTx: test stop\n"));
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, 0x0); /* normal mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, bEnable); /* turn on scramble setting */
/* BB Reset */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x0);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x1);
/* Stop for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bCckContTx = bStart;
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bOfdmContTx = false;
}/* mpt_StartCckContTx */
void Hal_SetOFDMContinuousTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
HAL_DATA_TYPE *pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(pAdapter);
if (bStart) {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_info_, ("SetOFDMContinuousTx: test start\n"));
/* 1. if OFDM block on? */
if (!read_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn))
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_RFMOD, bOFDMEn, bEnable);/* set OFDM block on */
/* 2. set CCK test mode off, set to CCK normal mode */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKBBMode, bDisable);
/* 3. turn on scramble setting */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rCCK0_System, bCCKScramble, bEnable);
/* 4. Turn On Continue Tx and turn off the other test modes. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bEnable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
/* for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000500);
} else {
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_,_drv_info_, ("SetOFDMContinuousTx: test stop\n"));
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMContinueTx, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleCarrier, bDisable);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rOFDM1_LSTF, bOFDMSingleTone, bDisable);
/* Delay 10 ms */
/* BB Reset */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x0);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rPMAC_Reset, bBBResetB, 0x1);
/* Stop for dynamic set Power index. */
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XA_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
write_bbreg(pAdapter, rFPGA0_XB_HSSIParameter1, bMaskDWord, 0x01000100);
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bCckContTx = false;
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bOfdmContTx = bStart;
}/* mpt_StartOfdmContTx */
void Hal_SetContinuousTx(PADAPTER pAdapter, u8 bStart)
RT_TRACE(_module_mp_, _drv_info_,
("SetContinuousTx: rate:%d\n", pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx));
pAdapter->mppriv.MptCtx.bStartContTx = bStart;
if (pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx <= MPT_RATE_11M)
Hal_SetCCKContinuousTx(pAdapter, bStart);
else if ((pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx >= MPT_RATE_6M) &&
(pAdapter->mppriv.rateidx <= MPT_RATE_MCS15))
Hal_SetOFDMContinuousTx(pAdapter, bStart);