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# All of Andrei Jiroh's contact details
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!!! warning "Horribly work-in-progress, apologies for missing/incompelete content."
This page contains all of Andrei Jiroh's contact details for convenience, though you should not
abuse them (or else get blocked).
## Email
!!! info "Please just use one email address when sending messages privately."
Don't send your email to multiple addresses (even as BCC or CC), it might cause duplication.
The most preferred address to use is either [:e-mail: **ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.eu.org**](mailto:ajhalili2006@andreijiroh.eu.org) or [:e-mail: **ajhalili2006@crew.recaptime.eu.org**](mailto:ajhalili2006@crew.recaptime.eu.org),
although if VK WorkMail has flagged your mail as spam and you don't want to fill up not-spam forms,
[use this Tally form](https://tally.so/r/nrB4o2) as an alternative.
* **Gmail user?** You could try sending mail to [:e-mail: ajhalili2006@gmail.com](mailto:ajhalili2006@gmail.com)
(sharing docs and files over Google Drive are fun but please no spam).
* If you're using Microsoft 365 (personally), you may also try sending (or sharing OneDrive files) to [:e-mail: ajhalili2006@outlook.ph](mailto:ajhalili2006@outlook.ph).
For work-related file sharing, please use my `@crew.recaptime.eu.org` email address instead.
## Over at socials
For the full list, see [:simple-buffer: my Buffer start.page](https://ajhalili2006.start.page).
You can obviously ping/tag me, but please be careful, especially when replying to others' posts.
If you want to slide into DMs, only slide via my main account and not any of my alternate accounts (although
I may look into them but reply on my main).
The following are my main accounts across the internet, in order of preference:
* :openweb-icons-fediverse: [@ajhalili2006@tilde.zone](https://tilde.zone/@ajhalili2006) or [@ajhalili2006@verified.coop](https://verified.coop/@ajhalili2006)
* :material-twitter: [@ajhalili2006@twitter.com](https://twitter.com/@ajhalili2006) (or `@ajhalili2006@x.com` if you're pedantic)
* :simple-tumblr: [@ajhalili2006@tumblr.com](https://tumblr.com/ajhalili2006) ([askbox](https://www.tumblr.com/new/ask/ajhalili2006))
* :simple-linkedin: [@ajhalili2006@linkedin.com](https://linkedin.com/in/ajhalili2006)
* :simple-messenger: [@ajhalili2006](https://m.me/ajhalili2006) [^1]
[^1]: Only used at school and for IRL friends and family members