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703 B
1. Activate virtualenv:
source dmojsite/bin/activate
2. Remember to change the local_settings
3. Run server:
python manage.py runserver
4. Create configure file for judge:
python dmojauto-conf
5. Create folder for problems, change the dir in judge conf file and local_settings.py
6. Connect judge:
- python manage.py runbridged
- dmoj -p 9999 -c judge/conf1.yml (depend on port in the local_settings.py and directory of conf file)
7. Update vietnamese translation:
- go to locale/vi
- modify .po file
- python manage.py compilemessages
- python manage.py compilejsi18n
###8. Run chat server: docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:2.8