+- [ ] Maybe symlink your music to a music folder in your home directory or something (i.e. `~/Music -> /mnt/world/music` or perhaps a subdirectory of that?)
[ ] Try getting `ultram4rine.vscode-choosealicense` (either locally via overlays and `buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension` or via <https://github.com/nix-community/nix-vscode-extensions>)
+- [ ] Using shift instead of ctrl seems inconsistent but it appears that other applications use ctrl+alt+arrowkeys for their own purposes which IDK if i want to overwrite
[ ] Make cavestory multiplayer into a nix derivation (its a zip file, see https://discourse.nixos.org/t/what-is-your-approach-to-packaging-wine-applications-with-nix-derivations/12799)
[ ] FUN IDEA::: Do you see ? https://github.com/nix-community/raspberry-pi-nix/blob/master/rpi/default.nix ??? see if it might be worth trying to make an options set across your config for very non granular at a glance configurations ... (see also https://github.com/nanzhong/env/blob/master/machines/devpi/configuration.nix)
[ ] FUN IDEA 2::: Hey Whats Up what if you did the same thing but built your regular host (ioides) as an ISO so that like. hoooly shit. you could like share it to the woRLD VIA AN ISO AND SHTUFF. Fucking massive bro
[x] Get PulseAudio sound controls on polybar to work
[x] Add desktop switching to windows (context menu?)
[x] Decide on an icon theme (flat-remix-icon-theme or pantheon.elementary-icon-theme?)
[x] Use XDG???
[x] Add Mousepad (xfce) maybe
[x] Consider using flakes
[x] Use just?
[x] Figure out e16...not even sure if managing your themes the way you currently are is even slightly ideal...
[x] See if you can use nixpkgs vscode extensions with codium
[x] Get language servers to work with Neovim
[x] Add polybar root filesystem usage module??
[x] Give yambar a try ;w;
[x] Fix yambar being offset on your screen for some reason (might have to file an issue on its repo)
[x] rmpc isnt working WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa ive been working on this for a month i just wanna be done so i can lie down and cuddle girls and be happy forever................