2024-07-20 10:04:04 +01:00

18 lines
810 B

# \#arcade-monitor
**\#arcade-monitor** is a monitor for the [Hack Club Arcade Shop.]( It continuously checks for new items, stock changes, and item updates, keeping you in the loop on the stuff you want.
## Environment variables
### Secrets
- `SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL` - Slack webhook to call on updates
## Variables
- `ARCADE_SHOP_URL` - Shop URL to fetch
## Tech Stack
- **Cloudflare Workers** for running the monitor on the edge.
- **Rust** for the monitor's code. I love its type safety, as well as libraries such as `serde`.
_Fun fact: the monitor was originally written in TypeScript, but it turned out to be so buggy I just rewrote it in Rust. The new version took less time to write, has tests (unlike the TypeScript version), and has better formatted messages._